Video Problems

Just to add, I also get this but on a second PC (Windows 10) that I don’t have access to at the moment to try HijackThis.

This has always happened only on this PC and only with Dxo PhotoLab both version 1 and now version 2. I’ve reinstalled Windows 10 plenty of times. I have an Asus board which has the Sonic Radar on it so I will remove it when I get a chance as suggested on one of the posts here.

This occurs on a mouse over event, i.e. I just run the mouse cursor over the controls.

I logged a support ticket for this sometime ago, but I never heard anything back after a few suggestions from the support desk.

I found using here was the only way of getting support to actually do any thing. The problem of left behind dop’s ignored or said to a Windows problem, until pushed on the forum when it was said to be many miner pl problems and after some years finally sorted. So don’t t give up here it’s the only way of getting it sorted. As l as you may gather are not much of a support fan!

Is this issue restricted to nVidia graphics cards/drivers? Has anyone reported this problem with AMD graphic cards/drivers?

I’m having the same problem with a nvidia 1060 card, and have had other unrelated problems in the past with nvidia drivers that cleared up after downgrading the driver or switching to an AMD card.

Hello @lightfirecreative,

It looks like exactly the problem when some other app interfering on the video board communication. But without the Hijack report we can’t tell you which one and as the result to suggest the solution.

Svetlana G.


  • Frankly speakiing I do not remember the cases with AMD.
  • If you provide us with the Hijack report we wioll be able to analyze your problem.

Thank you,
Svetlana G.

I had this problem for some time. After reading this thread I have removed Sonic Studio software (probably bundled with my Asus motherboard or maybe Video card) and the problem has disappeared. It is interesting that this fixed another problem: some time ago my Chrome browser began to start slowly (about 4s delay). After removing Sonic Studio it starts without any delay. That was probably related to a strange update, as discussed at

So this is definitely not a DxO software bug.


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The log file is attached.

Hello, is the problem still actual to you? It has been a long time, and we couldn’t find any problem on the logs you sent.

could you check if you have the “Nahimic” software installed? If so and you do not use it, could you try to uninstall it and open photolab again?


Yes, we have it installed and yes we do use it. If you want me to uninstall it to see if that fixes the problem, I will. However, this is a temporary solution. We can’t leave it uninstalled since we use our production machines for high end video production as well and Nahimic is required for that. I will make sure I have the most recent version installed.

Can’t an admin move this post, or at least hide it?

I’ll make it easy. I will delete it. This is where I was told to put it.

Just bought at MSI GS66 Stealth and had the same problem.
Removed Nahimic and the problem seems solved.

Correct. We are going to have to live with the video problems - we edit video and do a number of other graphics based jobs that require this application.

This is ridiculous. I faced the same issue and then found this topic. “Nahimic” is so shit! It causes tons of issues for users - cpu/ram overusage, app slowdowns and much more. But vendors keep using this shit! And unfortunately Alienware/Dell do the same!

If you have this issue on Alienware laptop - disable NahimicService. You’ll loose sound control in AlienwareCommandCenter but you’ll notice many apps perform much better.


I had these same issues. Screen tearing, buttons missing, things getting strangely zoomed in on, or zoomed out on. I uninstalled a ton of bloatware that came with my NVIDIA graphics card install, including Sonic Studio, and now everything works fine.

Glad this thread was out here.
