Sony A7RIVa

You are correct, my error.


So when will the a7rIIIA be included in Pure Raw?

Is there any word on an update to accommodate a7RIV files? Thanks!

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Had to purchase Pure Raw 2 to get the a7riva files to work.

The pureraw2 is working with sony a7riiiA , I just try it .

I will thanks.

I am also in the same boat - I bought a Sony A7R4A and DXO Pure raw in Dec last year - I have been unable to use it (without resorting to manipulating the EXIF info) - I have contacted support and they have told me that Pure Raw 1.5 will not support the Sony A4RA (nor is there any plan for it to do so) - version 2 will and I have to pay for the upgrade - I therefore have software that is as useful as a chocolate teapot…