I cannot believe this is STILL NOT SUPPORTED. Many of us photographers use iPhone mobile cameras and we need DXO to support the format now. I’ve come to rely on PhotoLab for all of my photo management and processing. Please get this done.


I also think it´s important since we can´t exchange DNG-data from Capture One to Photolab unless we start with an export from Photolab to C1 and then send it back. Only then Photolab opens the files. Photolab seems just to like its own flavour of DNG.

Then the only format that works now is this terribly old and heavy TIFF. It´s really time for a new take and it´s very depressing finding this discussion is still on after PL 4 users lifted it, still PL5 users lifted it and now even the users of PL 6 is continuing shouting to deaf ears.

We really need it.

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There might be a way to “trick” Photolab in this case with the right EXIF information (creator) added to DNG. Have you experimented with this Stenis?

Changing the EXIF creator did work on iPhone 11 DNG (well) and iPhone 12 DNG (poorly). I never did write a bulk terminal command for ExifTool sadly. Still on my todo list.

Hi Alec!

Yes I tried but didn´t manage to “trick” Photolab the way it´s possible to “fool” it with the camera ID.

I´m open for all good ideas. The only way I have managed to get into Photolab with a DNG-file from C1 is by first export it from Photolab, then editing it in C1 and reimporting that file into PL. Maybe I tried with the wrong code. Which code did you use?

I used camera model for the iPhone identifying it as an iPhone X instead of iPhone 11. I’m wondering if there isn’t a camera model out there which produces DNG similar to the format of scans and could be substituted as camera model.

Thanks for that tip Alec, I’ll try it as soon as I have some time to test it.

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Come on DXO! You’ve been promising this compatibility for HEIC since PhotoLab 2! Let’s go! We shouldn’t have to convert to JPG. Your competitors all support it. :man_facepalming:


+1. I need that for my Canon camera.

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I have Photolab 3 Elite. The only reason I didn’t upgrade to 4, 5, 6 and won’t either to 7 is the lack of support for HEIF. Apparently DXO doesn’t want any money from iPhone users, well I’m using both a Canon DSLR and an iPhone and I’m fed up switching softwares or converting HEIC to JPEGs for the sole pretty face of DXO. Apparently I’m not the only one. This is really becoming a sad joke after all these years.


PhotoLab getting HEIF and generic DNG support are the only reasons I’ll upgrade.


On the YouTube call, it SOUNDED like the HEIF support was coming soon. It was strongly hinted, but who knows…

  • Jon
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Yes Please. Long overdue.


same here. I always upgraded DxO Elite from 4 to 5 to 6 - but I won’t go for 7 until HEIC support is coming.


Same situation here. PhotoLab 3 works just fine on my non-iPhone images. I’ll upgrade it when it supports my iPhone ones.

I’ll never get an iPhone, I don’t want DxO to waste time with a closed format !

[mode polemic off]
All functional requests are legitimate, blackmail is not.


I’ll never get an iPhone

I suspect DxO doesn’t care if you get an iPhone or not. Ditto the current 1.5 billion iPhone users.

I don’t want DxO to waste time with a closed format !

HEIC compared to what? The proprietary RAW formats of major camera makers?


bayer matrix !? HEIC’s isn’t a raw format.
otherwise; is blackmail good?


OK, I see what you are saying, “closed” as in HEIC is a rendered image file (demosaiced). I thought you were saying closed as in proprietary.

Blackmail is not good, but I don’t think it is blackmail to defer or condition a purchase hoping for some new feature. Seems logical to me.


it is called capitalism… people vote with their $$$$