Compare several photos in same view

Dear DxO Team
This feature will be in the future?
Because it is really needed in photo process.
Thank you

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Quoting myself … from another thread;

John M

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I still miss the possibility to compare 2 different photos in the same view in PhotoLab.
LR 5.7, what I’m still using, can do it ever since.

So, where is the problem, DxO?


Hi all,
maybe we have to reach a count of 100 to get a :bellhop_bell: and wake up somebody :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


With 94 votes, this must be the most requested feature?
I did not find, where can we find a list of requests classified by votes?

Did you mean this one

Klick on Votes

Thanks :+1:

+1, s’il vous plait. This is pretty basic functionality - how else do we ensure continuity and cohesion in a series of photos?


We only need 1 vote for a count of 100 :star_struck:

During 3 years 100 votes. No wonder DxO development prefers the cosy hibernation. :laughing:

I will not upgrade Photolab to a newer version as long as this simple feature is not added. Enough is enough.


You are clearly frustrated by the lack of this feature and I will not try to convince you otherwise.

For me the absence of this feature is no big deal since I am very comfortable comparing and culling images using FastStone Image Viewer or Fast Row Viewer for no additional cost.

I would hate to miss out on PhotoLab’s latest features just because a single feature, readily availsble in free third party software, has not been implemented.yet



I created this thread in 2019 august and it is still an issue, due to this limitation and other I still with PL5 and not the 6th.

And thinking about going through Lightroom which including more and more function.

I hope in PL7 new feature will really appear and I’m still available for test it.

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I thought it was free when I first started using it, the same as FastStone. I haven’t used FRV for a year or two even though I have a license for it and I guess I forgot.


It’s.hardly going to break the bank at less than €22

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Almost 2024, and still no Reference view to compare two (or more) different photos to match editing outcomes. Quel dommage.


decembre 2020.

Don’t worry. It will come :sleeping:.

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Addition to my previous post: I don’t want to have to export the photo I’m developing to compare it to another one. Side by side comparison should be easy and included. It is a proven way to evaluate the better version of the two.

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I feel the same. It would be so convenient and certainly easy to do: PL can show all the presets next to each other but still no way to easily compare 2 (or more) photos next to each other. Very disappointing.

At the risk of appearing foolish and passe, I’ve been using Picasa for photo management. All that’s needed to compair photos is to drag them in order, then, in edit mode, click the AB button at the top of the screen. Something similar would work in PL.