Compare several photos in same view

Dear @sgospodarenko,

do we have a chance to climb up in the agile develop process with 44 votes :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. At the moment I develop a lot of lost spaces photos an it’s a nightmare to compare these photos after developing with different methods. And like @Tom says jumping back and forward takes a lot of time.
Thanks for your attention



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I’ll throw in my 2 cents…obviously each individual places his or her own value on using a DAM. For me, it is a useful tool. Having used iMatch for a while I’d say it easily meets the basic or advanced needs of anyone. The focus in this thread is comparing images. Imatch can compare 2, 3 or even 4 pictures on the same page. IMO, it’s worth taking a look at.

Unless one uses Mac OS.

Currently on sale for £80 GBP.

Sadly just blew my cash on a new PC!

Dear @Guenterm,

Let me ask @StevenL to reply to this question.

Thank you
Svetlana G.

Hi there,
Side-by-side comparison, like 2 or more images, is something which is still missing in PhotoLab.
We want to have it too, but I would be surprised if we’ll be able to “squeeze” it in our current scheduled development timeline.


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Hi all,

do we have to start a crowd funding for this feature ? :thinking:

And are you still developing after the waterfall method and not agil ? :laughing:

FastRawViewer v2 now allows 2 and 4 image comparisons.

Of processed images? There’s a world of difference between displaying RAW images and displaying processed ones.

Apple’s Aperture allowed side-by-side viewing of processed raw images at arbitrary magnification with synchronized scrolling of the two. This was 10 years ago…

Yes, there are many such examples.

Raw images.

I thought I was up to date (ver 1.7) hadn’t realised that there was a version 2 out now. Almost missed the 40% off too!

Downloaded and activated. Going to be very useful when culling

I believe it will be very useful for culling. I own a license to both FastRawViewer and Fastone. I tended to use FastStone for culling because of its compare feature which the earlier version of FRV lacked.


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Exactly !
I am surprised by the lack of notifications… not a single site I visit regularly talked about it !

Here a blog post with interesting informations, you can even trial test V2 for 60 days to see if you need the update or not.

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For exemple Bridge and Lightroom can compare processed RAW.

Happy to take FRV updates on faith, as I am already happy with 1.7, so just bought v2 straight away. With discount it was only £13

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Stephen, I did the same. The upgrade with the 40% off, plus sales tax, was a bit over $15 USD. Well worth it.


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I am convinced. I think i am clicking to v2 this evening.
Now i use raw convertion in the other viewer, faststone, to compare. And switch back to fvr when i choose.
That is then not needed anymore.

I did it also and the multi window panel is great

or 4 window

all raw images
Have to play with the options, but for me is a great help

Like to have in PL also :innocent: