Why does DNG file cannot transferred to Photoshop?

RAW files after going through RAW2 and then going DXO lab 5. Once I am done making changes in the file in DXO lab 5, I tried to export the file to photoshop in DNG format with appropriate changes in RGB and it will not let me go. I have to convert in to TIFF file for it to transfer to Photoshop. Is there any way around it? Do I need to change some things in preferences of DXO lab5 or photoshop to accept the DNG files.
Thanks in advance

Why are you using PureRAW2 before PhotoLab? PhotoLab already contains PureRAW

I did not realize it.
So when should I use Pure RAW2 ?

The idea behind Pure RAW2 is for customers who do NOT have DPL but want to benefit nevertheless from Deep Prime but use other software to work on their pictures. You would first use Pure Raw and then another raw converter.
If you have/use DPL you have Deep Prime already built in and do not need Pure Raw2


Prime and DeepPrime is only available in the Elite version of PhotoLab.

Process the raw file in Pure Raw then export the DNG to Photoshop. Eliminate the Photolab step altogether if you have Photoshop.

Hello Keith,
Appreciate your input. I have the elite version of DXO photolab5.
I am learning more about it.