Using Gigapixel AI with PL Photolab 5 Elite

I would like to use Gigapixel AI with PL 5 Elite. I would use PL5 to do my editing and then safe the image as a TIFF and resize (significantly enlarge) in Gigapixel AI. If I do that and then save the image using Gigapixel. I don’t seem to be able to open it again in PL5. The same is true if I just move an unprocessed RAW file from my computer to Gigapixel and enlarge it and then try to move it to PL5 to edit further. I get a message that some corrections are not available on linear DNG file.
I am wondering if this is because I am attempting to use the trial versions to test gigapixel??

Am I doing something incorrectly? I don’t want to buy the program if I can not use it with DXO.

Thanks for your assistance.

Make sure that your export from Gigapixel is TIFF and uncompressed. Don’t use DNG.


I used them together today. Select export to application in DXO en slecht .tiff as output.

After editing in Gigapixel, the file is saved and can be read in PL

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