Pressure Sensitive Brushes

I would like to control the brush from a pressure sensitive tablet.
With the PhotoLab brushes I would like to control, at my choice, a combination of opacity, flow & size with pressure sensitivity.
This may be possible now with PhotoLab but I haven’t been able to figure out how to do it.


Nope, for now such a functionality is not supported in PhotoLab.

Let’s see how it will be voted.

Svetlana G.


I would probably call this differently, but basically it’s the same direction as the suggestion I just wanted to make right now… So I’ll simply add my comment here…

I think it would be easier to implement (and to use) if you simply add an attribute of saturation (or opacity) to the brush tool (additional to the existing size and graduation/softness). That way, you could increase saturation by drawing at the same position several times, and also provide much better control over (irregular!) shape and (nonlinear!) graduation of the applied effect. This would help much at dodge and burn operations

With the introduction of local adjustments, PL really took a quantum leap forward. But now that we’ve tasted blood, we want more. :slight_smile:

Regards, Tilmann

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