Possible bug. Crop tool

Hi folks. I think I might have a problem. I’ve been playing with an image (version 2.3.0 build 38) trying different crops to see which I like best. When I give up and go back to the original crop, I get the attached.

I know I could revert everything by doing ‘reset’, but that would lose all my other edits.



Paul, I use PhotoLab on Windows and hitting the Reset in the lower right next to Close only effects resetting the crop without affecting any other edits. If you are in doubt then take a different photo, make an extreme change, crop the photo, and then reset the crop. Then you’ll know for sure. But, I believe when you reset you will still see the change you made before cropping and resetting.

You’re right.
I meant reset in the top right (Fancy having 2 controls with the same name…)

I still think there’s something odd with the crop tool - but I need to do more experiments to figure out what I think the problem is…

Ce n’est pas un bug mais le fonctionnement normal de l’outil crop.
Placez le curseur sur un des angles (il se tranforme en double flèche) et tirez le vers le haut. Cela permet ici de conserver le format (ratio) original soit en horizontal ou en vertical.

Google translate :
This is not a bug but the normal operation of the crop tool.
Place the cursor on one of the angles (it turns into a double arrow) and pull it upwards. This allows to keep the original format (ratio) either horizontally or vertically.