New User not seeing "Pictures" folder

I did ask you if you could show us a screenshot of the Info for the Pictures folder, so we could see where it is located.

Here’s mine

Capture d’écran 2020-12-19 à 14.20.33

Could you oblige with yours?

What intrigues me, as a Win user, with absolutely no Mac experience whatsoever, is how many issues Mac users seem to experience with using PhotoLab. Not an intended criticism - just an observation. :thinking:

John M

That’s just what I find, as a Mac user, with a history of Windows, looking at the issues Windows users seem to experience :wink:

What I believe has happened for @Pict is that, somehow, he had inadvertently moved his Pictures folder from its default location in his home user folder, thus hiding it from PL’s “favourites”. But, apparently, he has now restored things from a backup, as suggested by Apple.

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