New install issues PL 3, Elite

Relatively new user. Installed the upgrade PhotoLab 2 Essential -> PhotoLab 3, Elite

Several questions:

  1. When using Local Adjustments, I do not see Show Mask, New Mask, Reset, Close buttons across bottom of screen.

Is there some way to make them visible I am missing?
Is this a bad install?

If the latter, if I uninstall the Application and reinstall on the same PC, does this qualify as a second activation (I get 3 but don’t want to use up if not necessary)?

  1. In the Robin Whalley Tutorial, the Menu for adjustment of the RepairTool is vertical. When I try to use the tool, the Menu is horizontal. How can this be changed?


Because you use the Windows version.
LA buttons are upper screen.



As Pascal has already correctly replied to you in the Tutorial it’s a Mac version while you are using the Win one and the design is different. On Windows you have a horizontal overlay toolbar (and you can’t change it to vertical):

Svetlana G.

Thanks regarding the Horizontal only Tools


What about the second, more important to me questions as

1.When using Local Adjustments, I do not see Show Mask, New Mask, Reset, Close buttons across bottom of screen.

thanks in advance for help

In LA mode, Right click on the image.

I did the screenshot with the help panel to show you that “Show mask” is available via shortcut (you do not have the separate option in the preview).

And for New Mask / Reset, Pascal is correct right click and you’ll see this options:

And finally Close - Either you press on the “Local adjustments” button or use Esc/Enter key.

Hope, I could help.

Svetlana G.