Merry Christmas

Nononono, that should be hohohoho :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Mike, with all due respect - I have to agree with Joanna. :grinning:

I wish all here on this forum a peaceful Christmas.


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Auch von mir ein weihnachtliches Danke an alle die dieses Forum so lehrreich, interessant und entspannt mitgestalten.
Euch allen ein friedvolles Fest im Kreis der Familie und von Freunden, leckeres Weihnachtsessen und dann nÀchste Woche einen guten Start in ein hoffentlich entspannteres Jahr 2022.
Lasst uns auch immer an die Menschen denken, denen es nicht so gut geht, die fĂŒr unser Wohl ĂŒber die Feiertage arbeiten mĂŒssen, und die vielleicht auch kein so entspanntes Weihnachten erleben können.
Wir hören dann im nĂ€chsten Jahr wieder voneinander
bis dahin
 bleibt gesund und optimistisch

Also from me a Christmas thank you to all who make this forum so instructive, interesting and relaxed.
To all of you a peaceful holiday in the circle of family and friends, delicious Christmas dinner and then next week a good start into a hopefully more relaxed year 2022.
Let’s also always think about the people who are not doing so well, who have to work for our good over the holidays, and who may not be able to have such a relaxed Christmas either.
We will hear from each other again next year
until then
 stay healthy and optimistic

Un grand merci de Noël à tous ceux qui contribuent à rendre ce forum si instructif, intéressant et détendu.
Je vous souhaite Ă  tous de joyeuses fĂȘtes de fin d’annĂ©e en famille et entre amis, un dĂ©licieux repas de NoĂ«l et, la semaine prochaine, un bon dĂ©part pour une annĂ©e 2022 que j’espĂšre plus dĂ©tendue.
Pensons aussi toujours aux personnes qui ne vont pas si bien, qui doivent travailler pour notre bien pendant les fĂȘtes et qui ne pourront peut-ĂȘtre pas non plus passer un NoĂ«l aussi dĂ©tendu.
Nous nous reverrons l’annĂ©e prochaine
 en attendant
 restez en bonne santĂ© et optimistes

(translated by DeepL :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:)



Our Christmas lunch will be the traditional bacon sandwich. Quick and easy to prepare and very little cleaning up afterwards. And no left over Turkey breast to have to eat for the next month or so.

But whatever your culinary efforts, have a great one :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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It depends how big the sandwich and how much ingredients you use :rofl:

later I will prepare the potato salad, and we will have “Weißwurst und Wienerle” as a supplement

so we can start a post with all the Christmas dinner worldwide
and no fake photos please :thinking:

Our kids and grandchildren are in California, we are in Pennsylvania meaning no family Christmas dinner and COVID’s keeping our friends away. Here’s the solution. Our kids sent us Bo ssam, roasted pork with several Korean sides. They have the same meal. On Christmas Day we’ll Skype and share a meal.


Happy Holidays All. I’m dressing up as Santa for the kids.


Christmas Eve has passed, more holidays will follow.
I wish you all good health, peace and a clear head for whatever comes up.

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Merry Christmas to all.
Enjoy the family day’s and be safe and healthy.


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Merry Chrismas, everyone!
and my best wishes for a good 2022.

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Christmas lunch chez nous

Bacon sandwich garnished with ketchup. Washing up done in 3 minutes and no pile of left over Turkey to wade through :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Looks good Joanna!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all members and DXO staff.


The simple pleasures are the best. Hard to go wrong with bacon - even though I’m pretty sure that Jesus never tried it. :rofl: My pastor and I will share a store-bought pizza for lunch, plus the sweets and other food we’ve received as presents. I don’t usually see relatives on Christmas Day, but will try to call many of them. Maybe I’ll also have time to work on some old photos or even take some new ones following the freezing rain we’re getting today.

Merry Christmas! Joyeux Noel! However you celebrate this time of year, may you and all those you are with have peace.

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A Merry, (or Happy) Christmas to all. on both sides of the pond.



and what happened to the French culinary art? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I was in Brittany 30 years ago and remember Breton fish soup and other delicacies
what happened ?

Unfortunately they invented supermarkets and factory made square sliced bread.

And a lot of traditional Breton dishes are long slow cooked affairs that are far too complicated and time consuming. We do also indulge in traditional crĂȘpes from time to time. But at least we buy proper bread from our favourite boulangerie, only made from flour, water yeast and salt - oh, and the dough is left to rest for 14 hours.

I’ll have to think about whether it makes sense to send a care package with bread from a German artisan baker :grin:

And a good meal does not have to take long
Spaghetti, tuna, cucumber salad 

Many of our favorite
family recipes are over 100 years old. They are simple and better the next day.

I made rollade’s.
2kg cihcken,
One for tomorrow, and. One for now.

Hot chicks in jarretelle

Chickenbrest sliced in wingstyle.
Green olive tapenade. And fresh green olives
Salami in slices
Basil fresh
Garlic fresh 3 , 4 cloves
2 red peppers fresh
Splash of sesame oil.
30 grams of finely chopped parsley
Parma ham or another dry ham.

Finely chop everything except the chicken, ham and salami,
Mix together,

Lay down Parma ham, salami slices two, over it.
Flattened chicken files over it.
The finecut hot garnish over it.
Roll up (first roll up with foil and let it stiffen in the fridge) then take off foil and tie.

Unsalted butter and fresh onions.
Potato croquettes and carrots with lemon juice and black pepper.

180 degrees to 70 degrees(internal meatvtemp) in the oven

Translated with (free version)

(I planned to use the kamado but suddenly the freezing cold air arrived, -10degrees
, so noboddy wanted to be outside.)


Dear Peter,

das Rezept klingt interessant, Rouladen auf diese Art und Weise habe ich noch nicht gemacht. Rouladen kenne ich nur aus Rindfleisch oder Kalbfleisch. Wir machen die klassischerweise aus Rindfleisch und die FĂŒllung ist aus Zwiebeln, Speck und GewĂŒrzgurken.
Wieder was gelernt
ich werde das Rezept auf jeden Fall ausprobieren.

Viele GrĂŒĂŸe und einen guten Start ins Jahr 2022 wĂŒnscht Dir und Deiner Familie
