Keyboard shortcut to cycle through masks while zoomed in

When zoomed into areas of interest to examine whether there’s already a mask there and whether the mask region needs adding to or subtracting from, is there a way to select that area’s existing mask to be resized without zooming back out to see which mask needs to be activated and then zoom back into the same area I had been looking at?

Seems it would be handy to have shortcut keys to cycle through the different masks to see and select only the one you need when zoomed closer in (and the mask control isn’t presently displayed).


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I don’t think the capability currently exists, but that would not be a bad idea, especially when there are multiple masks whether you are zoomed in or not.


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I agree: that would not be a bad idea, especially when there are multiple masks

This would be better posted here: What feature do you want ? … so that others may vote for your suggestion.

John M

If ‘What feature do you want’ is also the place to ask whether a feature already exists then that’s fine by me, I’ll first ask my questions there.

But if that’s frowned upon, then I guess I need to ask in the general area and then add it to the requested features area if I learn there’s no present method to use.

What’s the best way that situation is handled around here? Thanks

Hello @BBT,

The feature you described does not exist in the current application. So you can create a suggestion to be voted by the users.

Thank you
Svetlana G.