How to create photos like "the masters", and is PhotoLab a useful tool?

Come on, not so serious. Just one laugh a day.


I did laugh about that suggestion… I mean, since I’m reading in this forum, the word “workaround” (PL’s shortcomings…) became a solid part of vocabulary. My workaround is just “stop using it”. Funny, right? :rofl: :joy:

So I assume you don’t use it And you’re just spending your time here for you don’t have anything better to do?



Laughing is always a good thing to do, at least a bot of value for what I spent. And @George, I bought the Elite version, FilmPack, ViewPoint and an update to all of that. So, after all attempts to make it work for what I need I don’t think I want to care about what you think. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m done with Windows. I used it for decades, but (for me) Mac is so much better in just about every way. Again, for me. I still have one Windows computer, Lenovo W530, but it just collects dust…

Eventually, I want to use PhotoMechanic as my DAM. I have no use or need for the PhotoLab to do anything beyond image editing. I wish PhotoLab had a “switch” to simply ignore the database.

I am finally home again, with good internet access. I will update the image I have been able to send here for the past two weeks - maybe tomorrow.

Something else I’ve noticed - while I am far from being a PL5 expert, the combination of PhotoMechanic and PhotoLab is a great way of getting from a day’s photos to images I enjoy and want to share. I haven’t done much photographing over the past two weeks, but all of what I did do was thoroughly enjoyable, and quickly got me to a finished image for me to share. I accept that I have never been a “master”, and am not one now, and probably never will be - but PL5 has me thoroughly enjoying my photography.

Other than the silly database stuff, and an issue of windows/Mac, I’m not aware of any PL5 shortcomings/workarounds. PL5 meets and exceeds ALL of my requirements in an image editor, better than the other programs I’ve tried. Maybe I’m slow, as I needed help from people here to understand PL5 better, but this forum has been a wonderful learning tool.

If it was only PL5…

Actually, degrading the help of a lot of people to a learning tool while being a self-declared “professional photographer” says quite a lot more about you than I would consider appropriate to state.

As far as I know, I didn’t deliberately “degrade” others about PL5, which doesn’t mean I didn’t and don’t accept a lot of other things that have been posted. PL5 is simple - there are probably a couple of dozen people who have explained PL5 from their point of view, which may or may not be what I want to do, but I have (often struggled) to understand what they are telling me, just as I struggle to understand what PhotoJoseph is telling me in his webinars. Eventually, I do figure out what they are saying, and it usually eventually makes sense to me.

About being a “professional photographer”, when magazines or others pay to send me all over the world, and then pay me for my write-up and photos, that alone makes me a “professional photographer”. My 'job" was/is to send them what they want, and once I figured out what they wanted, it was easy. Anyone who is making a living in whole or part, from photography, is technically a “professional photographer”. By definition.

Feel free to state anything you want. As for the rest of my photography, it’s a hobby, and I enjoy it.

The beauty of this product (PhotoLab) and the help from people here (such as Photo Joseph) allow me to do things better than I could before. I may never come close to catching up with the ability of several people here, but I’m trying to learn from them.

…the reason I watch those webinars, and why I got so involved in this forum, was to learn. I may not be learning how to make a “perfect photo”, but I’m definitely learning how to avoid mistakes, which before I never even realized they were mistakes. …and avoiding mistakes covers a LOT more than PhotoLab. I’m always going to make mistakes, compared to what several others here create, but thinking back on the discussions starting with PL3, then PL4, and now PL5, the biggest thing I learn here is how to do _____ better than what I have done until now.

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Almost two weeks ago, I tried, over and over, to upload one image, with no success. My internet speed was 2.2 download, and 0.2 upload. My laptop just laughed at me. I’m home now, with good internet once again, and here’s the image I wanted to post, including the raw file.

I wanted people to focus on (as I did) the rabbit closest to me. The other rabbit (to me) was just an add-on, which added to the image without distracting people’s (my) focus on the nearby rabbit. I may or may not have been successful, and like @George pointed out, I could have used other settings, and gotten a different result.

(I had also just arrived at my brother’s home, and hadn’t even considered that the camera was still on Colorado time, just as I had started taking photos in Colorado without even considering that the camera was still on Miami time. I’m spoiled by other devices that do this for me, but that’s just excuses for stupidly forgetting that I needed to change the camera’s location/time settings. …that’s just the tip of the iceberg for my memory issues, which continue to degrade over time, but that’s not an excuse.)

MM2_1484 | 2022-05-28.nef (29.5 MB)
MM2_1484 | 2022-05-28.nef.dop (36.7 KB)

For Windows users…

Oops, I deleted what I wrote; will follow @Joanna’s new instructions later today.

Sorry Mike but you got it wrong :wink:

What I said was -

  1. finish editing the file (with pipe) in PL5
  2. close PL5
  3. in Finder, create a new folder somewhere
  4. copy both the the NEF and DOP files to the new folder
  5. open the new file in PL5
  6. rename the file in PL5 (do not do this in Finder) (you can replace the pipe with a single dash)
  7. close PL5
  8. upload both renamed files

You can edit your previous post if you want as it

As soon as I want to download it, the pipe line symbol is replaced by a blank.
I’ve no problem.


the file shows up like this

different crop & watermark

w/ the same development …

Just what I said, without that pipe line symbol, the vertical line.


yes – and before I couldn’t see any efforts (stored in the dop-file)

I’m glad that things are “better”, although I don’t understand what you guys are saying - but maybe later today, or tomorrow morning, I will do it again following @joanna’s new instructions. If that works as intended, I will do that from now on.

Crop and watermark changed, as I wasn’t sure which version was better. For that matter, I’m still not sure which I prefer. I did something similar two days ago, and was able to sneak up on the rabbit to where it filled my frame - in that photo, I can even see my reflection in the rabbit’s eye, which I thought was pretty cool.

I don’t understand - why would the pipe line symbol be replaced by a “blank”?
How can it look one way while viewing, but change when its downloading?

Followed @joanna’s instructions.

Original files here:
MM2_1564 | 2022-06-08.nef (28.6 MB)
MM2_1564 | 2022-06-08.nef.dop (24.6 KB)

Modified for use with Windows:
MM2_1564 | 2022-06-08.nef (28.6 MB)
MM2_1564 - 2022-06-08.nef.dop (23.0 KB)

Exported image from Mac version:

In Finder on my Mac, both “pipe” characters “|” in the Windows conversion have been replaced by a “-” dash. Strangely, that is not what I see in my text up above. Again. I don’t understand why, as the uploaded file clearly has a “dash”.

Replaced by a blank. Maybe that’s what windows is doing automatic.


Well, at my end, for Windows users, I am uploading a .nef file that has a “-” dash, but when I view it in the forum I see the Windows .nef file with a “|” pipe. Why don’t I see what I uploaded, correctly??? The .dop version was uploaded correctly to the forum - why not the .nef file?

I renamed the file using PL5, not MacOS. I bet that is the culprit?

First of all: did you read that article???


If the question was for me, which article are you referring to?

I simply followed @Joanna’s instructions. Nobody has yet answered whether the files I created for Windows users are correct, and I have no easy way to test them.

Yes, I am referring to you and that article was the same as I asked you several times. Post 315. Small articles. But if you refuse to read them there’s no reason for me to continue.
