Good Product Horiffic Customer Support

I used Nik collection when it was a free google app and eventually purchased Nik Collection 2018 last winter. I was surprised to see it was suddenly obsolete. After investigation, I’m frustrated to learn that this product is now obsolete and my only options are to uprade or not use the software. Had I been aware that my software was destined to expire, I would have measured my investment. At this point I was told by Fabrice - the Customer Support Manager that I’m shit out of luck and am not to respond to her email.
I enjoy many subscription based services and had I known that I’d be faced with spending another $79.00 USD so shortly after purchasing the product I certainly would never have pulled out my wallet.
Wake up, DXO.


What do you mean 'obsolete? That you must upgrade or not use the software?

DxO uses the pay once, use for ever model.
If you chose to not upgrade to the latest version, you a free to carry on using the one you have bought. What you don’t get is unlimited upgrades.

Hi @nictaux and welcome. I think there must be a misunderstanding between you and support. Sorry to hear that. I have Nik 2018, the purchased license doesn’t expire. Only trial license keys expire. You need to pay for major version upgrades, though - if you want them and they are released long enough after your purchase (more than 60 days if I remember right?). Personally, I haven’t wanted to upgrade until certain improvements are made. I’m happy to keep using what I own.

I don’t know what gave you that impression, but that is not correct. I’m also not sure exactly what you mean by obsolete unless you mean that you can’t get the latest features in a more recent upgrade unless you pay for them. The version you have will continue to work just fine.


Ich werde auf keinen Fall mehr Geld für die Beutelschneider von DXO bezahlen, es stinkt mir, dass diese Nickfilter immer wieder beworben werden!
Wiso ich hier schreibe ich bin Heute nochmal von dieser Firma belästigt worden. Spammailversender!

Die Software DXO Photolab ist total für das was Sie kann, vielfach überteuert!

Hallo Friedhelm
deine Beschwerden haben mir schon gefehlt - freut mich dass es dich noch gibt und du dich weiter so
amüsierlich aufregen kannst über “Nichts”. Weiter so - und pass auf dass du dabei keinen Herzinfarkt bekommst vor lauter “Aufregung”. Vielleicht kannst du das eventuell auf einem anderen Forum machen anstatt auf diesem?

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I personally find DXO’s products to be tops in a very competitive professionally oriented market. I also find their customer service to be second to none. On no other product support community forum, that I am aware of, can ordinary users have access to staff members to ask questions, make comments, or lodge complaints on a daily basis. They not only make great products but also listen to clientele to make improvements. Thanks DXO!


Hallo Friedhelm
Sie sind wirklich ein wütender Bursche. Es tut mir leid, dass Ihnen die Nik-Kollektion nicht gefällt, aber es ist ein hervorragendes Produkt zu einem Schnäppchenpreis.


Dear Friedhelm, you can do better. I wanna see more anger. Go for it

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Spam Mail Versender DXO

Normally I try to understand and assist people who are unhappy with DXO’s software or support, but I have no patience with angry trolls like you. You are posting only to be disruptive, not to add anything useful to anyone, and I won’t waste my time with you any further


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Maybe we can vote to shot trolls to the moon…not coming back to the forum :full_moon_with_face:

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Nothing so violent is needed.:slight_smile: Perhaps we should just ignore him in the future. If he gets too disruptive, I suppose DXO can always cancel his account to lock him out.


No violence in my mind…people like Elon Musk have dreams to visit the mars…so maybe trolls can reach the moon :rofl: