Full screen view - shortcut changed or bug?

Previously I could hit Shift Command F to toggle the full screen view (or escape to turn it off), but this option seems to have gone in the latest update.
Has something changed or is it a bug or am I doing something stupid?

I’m a windows user, so I can’t test but in the documentation it’s always noted Cmd + Shift + F

Yes I checked the documentation - just in case I was mistaken, but I wondered if perhaps it had been changed and the documentation not updated.
I’ve realised it’s a shortcut I use a lot so I am missing it.

And is it still present in the help / Keyboard shortcuts ?

I didn’t think to check there, but yes it is.

Edit: I did restart PL5. Tomorrow I will restart the computer and check again, just in case my computer is playing up.

Do you use an application to manage keyboard shortcuts on your Mac?

No. I didn’t realise there was such a thing actually :slightly_smiling_face:

Maybe another Mac user can confirm it’s normal or not.

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Shortcuts are shown in the menus on Macs, and there is indeed now no shortcut for View->Full Screen Viewer.
In theory, you should be able to add it back in System Preferences->Keyboard, by choosing the Shortcuts tab, click ‘App shortcuts’ in the left pane, click the ‘+’ button underneath the right pane, and selecting DxO PhotoLab5 in the applications drop-down, but on my Macs there is something wrong with PL5’s registration so that it is missing the icon in the list of apps, and continuing to add the shortcut fails. So we have two bugs here! I tried on both Big Sur and Monterey.

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good morning,

I’m on Monterey 12.2 and the shortcut doesn’t work correct. In normal view the shortcut does nothing. If you set the view about the menu to fullscreen it works, and you can go back to normal view with the shortcut. But no chance to go from normal to fullscreen.

Dear Svetlana /@sgospodarenko could you please give this information into development team

Thanks and enjoy the day

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@kettch could you, please have a look?

Thank you
Svetlana G.


It’s indeed supposed to be here, and we haven’t changed anything, but it’s not showing a shortcut anymore. So we’ll look into it to try and understand what’s happening here…

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Thank you so much!

I confirm it’s a bug, will be fixed in next version

thx for the report!


See also:

I can confirm that this useful shortcut has unfortunately disappeared.

Capture d’écran 2022-04-09 à 11.50.30
Shift Command F
Ok on PL 5.2 on Mac .

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Yes I can confirm it is fixed. I will see if it is possible to edit the thread title.

… it seems I cannot change the thread title to say it is fixed - perhaps the moderators could archive it - or change title?

I’m really happy to have this functionality back - thank you :smile: