External selections

I use an external Application as my digital asset management. When I want to send photos to DxO, it opens the photos that was active last time DxO was open. How do I open New photos and not the last photos that was active in DxO?


Make sure that the path to the executable defined in your DAM is C:\Program Files\DxO\DxO PhotoLab 2\DxO.PhotoLab.exe (Windows assumed) and that the file path is passed as an argument.

From Lightroom, Iā€™m using a LUA script when I want to open a RAW file directly in DPL. No problem. The target file is loaded directly. Here is the script, just in case :

local LrApplication = import 'LrApplication'
local LrTasks = import 'LrTasks'
local catalog = LrApplication.activeCatalog()
local LrShell = import 'LrShell' 

local function openWithExternalProgram()
   local programPath = "C:\\Program Files\\DxO\\DxO PhotoLab 2\\DxO.PhotoLab.exe"
   local photo = catalog:getTargetPhoto()
   if photo ~= nil then
      local photoPath = photo:getRawMetadata('path')
      LrShell.openFilesInApp({photoPath}, programPath)

LrTasks.startAsyncTask(openWithExternalProgram, "openWithExternalProgram")

Hello frlindla,

I believe you use IMatch, the same program I use with PhotoLab. For me creating a simple IMatch favorite for PhotoLab does exactly what you want, it sends the images currently selected in IMatch to a new external selection in PhotoLab. PhotoLab even saves those selections for you if you want to keep them.

To create a PhotoLab favorite in IMatch simple drag your Windows shortcut for PhotoLab to an IMatch favorites panel.

As a side note, if I send the currently IMatch selected images to PhotoLab by clicking on the button at the top of the IMatch file window it does not open the selected images in PhotoLab, instead it does what you are seeing now.

But sending them by a favorite works great.

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I can confirm this. Works great!