Earning badges - -and a title rule for at least 15 characters is ridiculous

I was a bit intrigued by the feature and started looking around. Just for fun I am now trying to earn all badges. I know this has nothing to do with the feedback on the new DxO version.


This is just to kill some time, waiting to get the latest version downloaded over my slow internet connection.

You just earned your new badge :wink:
I can also give you my PayPal account if you want to earn badges faster :wink:

About the title rule, it’s the default setting, we can tweak it but I think it’s useful to force users to create meaningful titles (so others users really know the purpose of the topic)

I thought the title “Earning Badges” was meaningful by itself and when it needs to be 15 or more characters the titles will become like: “How does earning badges work” etc. The value of 15 is arbitrary, would 10 works as good to get meaningful titles?

Well I really think “How does earning badges work” is more meaningful than “Earning badges” but I agree, we can change the value to something smaller

I did not have a question how earning bades worked 

Because I already knew, I wanted to post on “Earning Badges” but I could have said something like:
My experiences and results when earning badges in the new forum. :slight_smile:

@waterwin. I changed the min length for title and content. We’ll see over time