Double click to reset slider for settings

Hello community,

I am missing a possibility to reset a slider for e.g. brightness with a simple double-click on the slider or the name of the slider.
Now I have to select the value of the slider and type 0 with the keyboard.

Maybe there is another possiblity for resetting, which I don´t know at the moment.


it works on the mac version - I assume you are on windows?

Funny, but yes I’am on Windows.

Sure ?
No problem on Windows too.
It’s specific on your install.

How can I get that feature?

I’m running Photolab Elite on Windows, and double clicking anywhere on any slider returns the value to zero by default. There is no setting. The feature should be there automatically. Additionally I’m a little confused by your first post because there is no specific “brightness” slider in Photolab. But in any case I don’t know which version of PhotoLab you have. Perhaps in the Essential version the double click behavior is different.


First thing about brightness slider: As I am running the German version, I used the wrong translation. Acutally I mean the exposure slider.
Second one…was my fault. Because I coming from LR, I was used to click on the name of the slider. But I have to click on the slider itself. :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

Thanks anyhow!

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Glad you found it and welcome in this forum. You will see we are gentle with each other:)


Thank you for your topic because I was wondering the same the other day !
I learned an important thing.

Both would be great :star_struck:

Sorry about misunderstanding about the “brightness” . I had a feeling you were referring to Exposure. There are software packages that do refer to the same feature as “brightness”. I’m glad you figured out how to 0 the sliders. You did indicate in your first post about double clicking on the slider, which is correct, so the fact that you indicated it didn’t work was a bit confusing. In any case, I’m glad its resolved. Enjoy using PhotoLab!



Hello guys,

Thank you for the help to a new user. Yes, I can just confirm that you need to click on a slider thumb to get to a default value (double click on a slider line is also possible but not the name :slight_smile: ).

Svetlana G.