Database Emergency Exit

When I was falling back from DPL 5.2 to DPL 5.1, I found that the database of 5.2 had “upgraded” the database and that DPL 5.1 then popped the following message:

Silently upgrading the database can be quite inconvenient, e.g. in a fallback situation.

I therefore propose that

  1. Any database upgrade be advertised - including a possibility to escape (cancel) or have a backup created - before the upgrade takes place
  2. The dialog above be enriched with an escape (cancel) possibility too.

Seit meinen Anfängen mit DxO OpticsPro kenne und nutze ich den Befehl:

Datei → DxO PhotoLab Datenbank → Sicherungskopie erstellen
→ DxO OpticsPro/PhotoLab Backup zurückspielen…

Nach meinem Kenntnisstand wird bei einem Update ebenfalls eine Kopie der Datenbank im Speicherort der Datenbank erzeugt. Die Kopien sind vorhanden, allerdings kann in den zeitlichen Zusammenhang zum Update-Zeitpunkt nicht mehr herstellen.

This has not happened on my Mac with the update to DPL 5.2.1.
Even if it had backed up the database, it would be user friendly to offer a restore, based on a list of suitable backups.

Other than that, I’m not sure having seen database backups being created automatically by dot releases of DPL…