White balance temperature bug: requires user to delete "k"

I did not find a specific report of this bug (but it has been referenced elsewhere: 7-Oct). EDIT: Previous report

For adjusting raw white balance temperature, the input box includes the unit ‘K’; such as, “5600 K”. However, if you change the input to something different, say “5000 K”, the input box will turn red, as if the input is bad. Inputting just “5000” works fine, but the input box immediately changes the input from “5000” to “5000 K”. This odd behaviour means that it is impossible to change only a single digit (say “5000 K” to “5030 K”) because the “K” makes it a bad input, but then the “K” is also automatically added to the input box. To make changes to the white balance requires changing the digit and deleting the K for every instance that the input is changed.

A simple fix would be remove the addition of “K” from the input box, and just change the “Temperature” label to “Temperature (K)”.

Edit: I am on Windows 10. Using PhotoLab 4.1.1


Good morning,
I’m on W10 DPL 4.1.1 and I can confirm this behaviour
I agree with JC’s proposal

best regards

In fact, when designing this kind of input field using Xcode (Apple’s own development platform) it is possible to have the editing view not show the “K” whilst editing, only showing it after the edit is no longer active.

Good morning @jamaicanpi and welcome to the forum ,

This is about the same - Cannot manually change the BdB temperature

We will fix this issue.

Svetlana G.

Just to confirm, this seems to be a Windows only problem. The “K” is never shown in the Mac version.

@sgospodarenko is it worth moving this (and the other related post) to the Windows section?

Hello all,

maybe this is a case for Agent Steven

enjoy day

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Thank you Svetlana. I agree that this is the same bug. I have added that reference to my original post and added information about my platform (Win 10; PhotoLab 4.1). I am unable to verify this behaviour on a mac, but it sounds like Joanna cannot replicate this on OS X.

Yes, it’s only Win problem. We’ll fix it.

Svetlana G.