When changing the color temp directly, RAW White Balance is switched on automatically but value is ignored

avec une valeur original de 5400 K, et si je tape par exemple 10000, je passe très bien à 10000K teinte 0, pour revenir as shoot, je double clic sur le curseur et tout revient parfaitement.

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Quel est votre OS ?

Windows 11 pro, 22H2. Bonsoir!

Windows 10 Famille 22H2.
Bonne journée


Donc pour vous cela fonctionne sous Win, à partir de la température “Originale”, le changement de la valeur est prise en compte ?
J’ai aussi ce problème sur mes 2 PC sous Win10 et Win11, la valeur tapée n’est pas prise en compte malgré le changement de statut qui passe de “Original” à “manuel ou personnalisé”.

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Works perfectly here. Win10 pro N 22H2 + mediapack. Photolab 6.3.1.

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I don’t experience this with my config (see above) but it looks like there’s a new version fixing this (

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I think it happened with the V6.6.1.199

The problem would be solved with the V6.7 released today.

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Yes, thanks Frank, it is resolved, at least the way I was changing the color temp works again.

Thanks DxO!!

Has this been fixed also for Photolab 5? There is no mention in the release notes. I am still having issues concerning the white balance in Photolab 5.12.

Is it the same problem ?
He is not in the v5.12

I thought it might be related, as both bugs appeared with the recent updates and relate to the whute balance.

For the record: this issue was fixed in 6.7

Except the 5400 value when opening an image for the first time.
