What Level of Noise Reduction Do You Use?

I use DeepPrime XD exclusively, it gives the best results, despite the artifacts that can occur at very high iso. On a daily basis, I use Adobe Lightroom + DeepPrimeXd and Dxo in terms of de-focusing and sharpening software beats Adobe, but I have big reservations about Dxo, someone made a bad decision in terms of the default strength of sharpening, +1 is far too much, the photos are over-sharpened, mainly it is about portraits, as the default sharpening setting should be “0” or even better -0.5, further sharpening should be done individually.

Yes, +1 is way too much.

But -1, +1, 0, where is the bad decision, since you can choose what you want and even create presets you need if you want to automate this when adding new images ?

I assure you there are bad and very bad decisions in this software (maybe no decision at all sometime), but not this one since user CAN choose what he needs.
Problems and bad decisions come when user CAN’T choose.

(I assume you use photolab since this is photolab forum. Not sure pureraw let user choose).

Note one fact that camera manufacturers have to choose the golden mean in the algorithms and so it is, while Dxo in the matter of sharpening oversharpened, the default settings should be safe ie.normal…

I’m not asking if you have a visual impairment or like over-sharpened photos, I’m asking about normality which is not there at the start in this area, that’s why experts sit over algorithms to give something decent - universal.

DxO is ambiguous with this setting.
Default value was 0 for a long time, then at some upgrade it became +1.
+1 suggest it is above normal value (and it is).

Just make your starting preset as you need (the one apllied by PL when discovering new images - since it seems you choosed PL to apply it) and everything is fine.
If problems you see in this program are of this type, you’re a lucky and happy user.

I generally start with no corrections (not 0, not +1, not -1 – nothing at all – no preset). make my first adjustment (generally starting at 0 for this setting), they apply on the whole serie and adjust if/where needed.

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