
Would it be possible to introduce a feature that lets me automatically apply a semi-transparent watermark to images please?

I do event photography and share the photo galleries. I’m happy for people to use these images. I’d like these photos to have my logo watermark in the corner as I’d like to ensure credit if someone reposts them. I also have friends who sell images who want to watermark their samples to discourage people from using them. Importing my DXO images into another piece of software to watermark them before uploading adds hours to my workflow as I generally come home with up to 2000 images to process.

Thank you

Hi Paul!

This feature has already been requested and is in DXO’s backlog.


In the meantime, Paul …

The Irfan free image viewer has a batch-processing feature that allows one to “Add overlay text” or “Add watermark image” to any number of selected images.

John M


There are many, many ways to add watermarks. Numerous software products have it as a feature (see Irfan for example) and there are even products that exist entirely for this task. I’d suggest having a look at any software you already have that may have such a feature.

For my own purposes, I went possibly the hardest route, but watermarking is no longer something I “do” but rather something that “happens.” When I export my images as full resolution TIFF files to a particular folder on my Mac, the Hazel automation engine kicks in and runs an ImageMagick script to add my watermarks and then create a downscaled JPEG image ready for uploading.

I totally get wanting a feature right in PL (I used a plugin for LR for many years for this) but now I wouldn’t want to abandon my new process which, while troublesome to create, is frictionless in use.

It all comes down to this (although I have a separate one for square images which uses different sizes).

/usr/local/bin/magick convert "$1" -colorspace RGB -resize 3200x3200 -colorspace sRGB -unsharp 0x0.75+0.75+0.008 -fill "#ffffff80" -gravity SouthEast -font /System/Library/Fonts/Avenir\ Next.ttc -pointsize 39 -annotate +16+0 '//ZKARJ.ME' -gravity SouthWest -font ~/Library/Fonts/cc-icons.ttf -pointsize 39 -annotate +16+15 'cbdn' -quality 90 "${1%.*}".jpg

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@sgospodarenko - hi, I know it’s in backlog, but any news for the release date of that tiny but important feature?

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Hello @rafalz and welcome to the forum,

  • Most probably in PL4.

Svetlana G.