TOC and Index in the Manual

Am I missing something in the Manual…there is no Table of Contents nor an Index at the back. That makes it extremely hard to find a topic I want to review. I wanted to find the main instruction on Projects but I have to search for the word “project”…89 entries. I have to scroll through 89 entries to find what I want? Does that seem normal? Like I said…am I missing something?

The user guide is best downloaded and searched with your favourite PDF viewer.

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@Pieloe can you provide the link to your written manual?
(i forgot the link.)
peter (and have a nice holiday)

I’m using a PDF viewer. That doesn’t solve not having a TOC or Index, though. And I did vote as you suggested. Thanks.

Sure @OXiDant Peter …
but the “Project” page is empty on this site because I have a lack of resources :frowning:

Have a nice holiday Peter, I’m already back home.

Thank you, Pascal. I’ll check these out.