Strange artefacts using DeepPrime/DeepPrimeXD in PL6

It isn’t the same message, that of Europat indicates the problem is corrected by an update already released.

Thanks Franky, I wonder how their support can send out two very different replies ? anyway I shall wait and see when the new update drops.

Hello @rdy2snp & @Franky,
It isn’t indeed the same message but they are close.
I think we should allow them the time to put this fix online.

@rdy2snp: sorry also for my bad English speaking.

Mind you I had the same reply about another bug best part of a year ago and no fix yet so I hop this one is faster!

Some exchanges with DxO Support Team:

Demande #386964


Patrick Bostyn

dimanche à 16:23

Je suis passé de PL5 à PL6 tout récemment de même que de Mac OS Monterey à Ventura.
J’ai constaté qu’en utilisant l’accélération DeepPRIME (Apple Neural Engine) apparaissaient à l’exportation, un voile vert et d’étranges artefacts géométriques ou un voile pourpre et les mêmes artefacts selon que j’applique la réduction de bruit DeepPRIME ou DeepPRIME XD.
Ces problèmes disparaissent en utilisant l’accélération DeepPRIME (M1 GPU) mais le temps de traitement est beaucoup plus long.
Le sujet est abordé à plusieurs endroits sur le forum.
Bien à vous.
Patrick Bostyn

(3 Mo)


Patrick Bostyn

lundi à 00:53

Après avoir réinstallé complètement macOS Monterey et PL6, ces problèmes (à première vue) ne sont plus de mise… Serait-ce la faute à Ventura? Qui d’Apple ou DxO résoudra cela?



Hier à 10:36

Bonjour Monsieur Bostyn,

Nous avons sorti une nouvelle mise à jour intégrant un correctif,
c’est cela qui a réglé votre problème.

Nous vous remercions pour votre retour.
Nous considérons donc votre demande comme étant résolue et la clôturons.
Merci de ne pas répondre à ce message.


Cécile - DxO Labs Support Team


Patrick Bostyn

Hier à 20:29

Merci pour ces nouvelles, mais aucune mise à jour disponible pour le moment…



Aujourd’hui à 11:27

Le correctif a été intégré à PhotoLab quand vous avez refait l’installation.

Bonne journée!


Cécile - DxO Labs Support Team


Patrick Bostyn

Aujourd’hui à 14:04

Désolé de réouvrir ce fil de discussion.
Rien n’est résolu sous Ventura avec PL6.0.2 build 26!



Aujourd’hui à 14:13

Vous avez écrit précédemment “après avoir réinstallé complètement macOS Monterey et PL6, ces problèmes (à première vue) ne sont plus de mise”,
donc je pensais que le problème était résolu.

Par rapport au voile magenta avec l’utilisation de DeepPRIME, il s’agit d’un problème connu de nos développeurs qui travaillent actuellement à sa résolution.
Je reviens vers vous dès qu’une solution est disponible.


Cécile - DxO Labs Support Team


Patrick Bostyn

Aujourd’hui à 14:59

En effet, je vous ai écrit "après avoir réinstallé complètement macOS Monterey et PL6, ces problèmes (à première vue) ne sont plus de mise.
Il fallait bien se rappeler l’historique de la discussion pour le comprendre.
Vous faisant confiance, j’ai à nouveau installé MacOs Ventura et je me retrouve dans la même situation.
Cette fois, je vous demande un conseil:
Dois-je repartir sur une installation (from scratch) de Monterey (Environ 3 heures chez Apple) + réinstallation de PL6 (+ le risque de ne pouvoir réactiver avec le système empirique de gestion des licences de DxO). Sans oublier la réinstallation de mes autres logiciels et préférences… soit 1 jour de travail?
Sinon j’attends et espère un suivi cohérent et une réponse cohérente à ma demande.

1 Like

Hey John,

What was the bug you reported ?

I got another reply from DXO support after asking if they had anymore specifics around the bug and when we could expect the fix, and the response from support was that I knew about as much as they did. Well, that’s not super re-assuring ; )

Hey Europat

Maybe tonight I will run it through a translation engine, but for now I have no idea what any of that says, but thanks!

Google translation

Some exchanges with DxO Support Team:

Request #386964


We released a new update integrating a patch,

That’s what solved your problem.

Thank you for returning.

We therefore consider your request resolved and close it.

Please do not reply to this message.


Thanks for this news, but no update available at the moment…


The patch was integrated into PhotoLab when you re-installed.


Sorry to reopen this thread.

Nothing is solved under Ventura with PL6.0.2 build 26!


You previously wrote “after reinstalling completely macOS Monterey and PL6, these problems (at first glance) are no longer required”,

So I thought the problem was solved.

Compared to the magenta veil with the use of DeepPRIME, this is a problem known to our developers who are currently working on its resolution.

I will come back to you as soon as a solution is available.


Indeed, I wrote you "after reinstalling completely macOS Monterey and PL6, these problems (at first glance) are no longer required».

You had to remember the history of the discussion to understand it.

Trusting you, I have again installed MacOs Ventura and I find myself in the same situation.

This time, I ask you for advice:

Do I have to go back to an installation (from scratch) of Monterey (About 3 hours at Apple) + reinstallation of PL6 (+ the risk of not being able to reactivate with the empirical license management system of DxO). Without forgetting the reinstallation of my other software and preferences… or 1 day of work?

Otherwise I wait and hope for a coherent follow-up and a coherent response to my request.

It was the poor/bugs in DCP, that there was no fixed location or fall back for any one else trying to use a dop created using DCP. Without editing a dop you can’t open one using DCP unless you have the file installed in the right location. Apart from an initial response never heard any more.

Hi John7, sorry can you tell me what DCP is ? DCT - discreet cosine transform, DCP I have no idea ; )

Hey John7, that’s very useful, thanks! Don’t want to derail this thread too much, but might come in handy for my novice skillset.

@Europat , does not even sound like we are communicating with the same company about the same thing almost, I just hope this is resolved.

Ironic that for the first time after buying PL5 I’m looking to really use this stuff, and all this focus on DeepPrime noise removal, and you would think a night shot of mostly black background with a moon in it would be an easy task and one where the noise removal can really shine, and here we are, looking at pictures of space-time warping around the moon, and waiting for a coherent response from DXO

For my astrophotography photos, I use the noise reduction capabilities of DxO Photolab. And I have seen a marked improvement with the introduction of Deepprime noise reduction in a previous version of Photolab. So I am curious to see if the new Deepprime XD gives an improvement over Deepprime.

In my opinion, there is definitely an improvement in noise reduction with Deepprime XD. And also the wide gamut color space helps with color reproduction.

The improvements are there, but only visible with a decent (manual) histogram stretch and zoomed in (cropped).

Here is a crop of an area of a nebula. The first image is the result of minimal processing in PL and without noise reduction.


As you can see the nebula is almost invisible due to the amount of noise.

In the following image, noise reduction with Deepprime (in PL5) was used

This is a distinct improvement!

Next, I tested the noise reduction with Deepprime XD in combination with wide gamut color space:

Less noise, more detail and more color.

I then stacked 90 different shots with this basic processing in PL with another program for further enhancement of the signal-to-noise ratio. Even then, a clear difference in the stack result can be seen between those with basic editing in PL with Deepprime and those with Deepprime XD.

Here is the result based on Deepprime:

And based on Deepprime XD:

All photos were processed in PL without the optical corrections such as vignetting and distortion. This is because of the artifacts these corrections cause, see:


Awesome @LexB! I look forward to doing similar processing with my images, per the subject though there is still undisputed issues with certain settings as evidenced by my very first image posted, and as admitted to by DXO support.

True, which is why I don’t use the optical corrections like vignetting and distortion correction. These are responsible for the strange banding and block patterns. See the links in my previous comment.

Unfortunately, DXO has not yet fixed these errors :worried:

@LexB , I also thought it was due to those corrections, but a subsequent DOP that one of the users above posted in an earlier reply seems to suggest it might be Smart Lighting, plus Ventura + Apple Silicon Neural Engine. Until DXO support replies with a definitive reason we can only infer from our settings and setup I guess. Although I agree that DeepPrimeXD does indeed do a fine job if settings are done to avoid artefacts, but hopefully we will not need to play a game of dodging settings to avoid said artefacts in the future!