Square root of two aspect ratio

Solutions au problème du format Axx :

-Pour les utilisateurs de PhotoLab :
Créer un autoréglage partiel avec le seul outil recadrage. Taper dans Ratio de l’image le rapport 99/70 et mettre la Correction à : Auto, basé sur Perspective/Horizon. Sauvegarder cet autoréglage. Il peut ensuite être rappelé sur n’importe quelle image pour la recadrer à ce format. Ensuite, ce rapport 99/70 est disponible pour toute image jusqu’à fermeture de PL.

-Pour les utilisateurs de ViewPoint (seulement en version autonome ou plug-in de PS ou LR) :
Dans Ratio de l’image / Personnaliser, entrer 99/70. Ensuite, ce ratio reste définitivement dans la liste.

Google translate :
Solutions to the problem of Axx format:

-For PhotoLab users:
Create a partial preset with the only tool cropping. Type in Aspect Ratio : 99/70 and set Correction to: Auto, based on keystoning / horizon. Save this preset. It can then be recalled on any image to crop it to that format. Then this 99/70 ratio is available for any image until PL closing.

-For ViewPoint users (only stand-alone version or plug-in of PS or LR):
In Aspect Ratio / Add Custom, enter 99/70. Then, this ratio remains definitively in the list.


Cool! Thanks.

Sorry but that is in my opinion not the way to solve things. A balance has to be find for the UI/UX.
A software exist to serve a purpose and to make the life of someone easier. If you need tricky actions to get to a result the purpose is defeated.
If you do not want to see the many options up to you to not look at them and disable panels and stuff the way you like. I am sure there are many solutions out there that good programmers can propose.
You have your point of view and I have mine and that is fine, in the end DxO has the last word and the customers the very last dot.


I realise this is an old post but it describes what I’m trying to do EXCEPT I can’t get it to work…

  1. I’m using PL3.2 for Windows, on Win 10 1903
  2. In ‘Crop’ (either under Essential tools or Geometry), I set ‘Correction’ to ‘Manual’.
  3. I can only use the aspect ratios listed, I can’t enter values into the aspect ratio field.

What am I doing wrong?



Stuck - - You should be able to type into this box;

  • Before: image - type over the “Preserve …” text
  • After : image

John M

When I write .7 then 1/1 is selected. It only selects the predefined values.


On Mac, I simply enter the values as noted in one of my earlier posts. Just scroll up to find it.

I think not possible on win.


Have you tried it?

I tried it again. For some reason it works now. 0.7 becomes 7/10. I don’t know why.



George, you need to have the entry (".7" in you example) accepted by PL … say, by pressing the Tab-key after typing your entry, and thereby have the entry accepted. Otherwise, PL has no understanding that you’ve finished typing your chosen ratio.


In the example you showed it looks like you add a value to a list. How did you do that?


Since when acts the tab-key as a confirmation key? :open_mouth:


When the crop tool is active, I simply overwrite whatever is shown in the crop ratio selector. In the previous screenshot, I created an additional palette just for illustration’s sake and deleted it afterwards.

Please note that the values I enter do not persist.

…that’s a fairly standard keystroke to move to the next actionable item - and confirms entries. You’ll probably tab from field to field when filling forms too…


I don’t want to move. I just want the value to be entered. :frowning_face:

Maybe a difference between mac and win but 297:210 becomes 2/1 and 297/210 becomes 99/70.

Anyway, I see how I can use it.


I’ve been looking further. I was using the fields below the image. Now it seems there’s also a pallet in the Essential Tools plane with different possibilities. Dxo doesn’t make live easy.


Au contraire. By giving more options, it allows for different people to use different workflows.


It doesn’t give more options. Crop tool by example is placed at the Command bar, an edit field at the bottom of the image and then another chapter in the Essential tools plane. That last one should be enough, it contains everything, more as the other.
A tab is synonym for ‘accept value and go to the next field’. Enter just means accept value. If you go to by example to the Selective tone tool, the keys are as expected. I don’t know about Mac.
An interface is something else as a workflow.
