Rename FP6 (Elite) Presets

Is it possible to rename the standard film emulation presets? I have a set of favorites, but I would like to sort them in order of ISO. (That’s probably because I’m old-school, but it helps me in my B&W work.)

To make the sort work, I would just move or add the ISO number to the beginning of the name – perhaps in parentheses.

Or should I make a copy of an existing preset and name that to suit me?

It would be nice if DXO would consider allowing to “Sort by ISO”.

Probably the way to go. Presets that come with DxO’s apps can’t be renamed as far as I tried.

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Kinda what I figured. Just a little bit more work, but then I’ll narrow things down with “Favorites”.

I really only got the program to replace SilverEfex, since the latest version of Nik Collection doesn’t work with PS CS6. Once I get tuned into the FP6 workflow I can uninstall the whole Nik Collection since I’m doing everything else with Topaz AI plugins or standalone.

Issues with Nik4 - #8 by Wolfgang and further links

I tried several things with CS6 but it wouldn’t install, so I gave up and just stayed on with the most reliable earlier version. I’d been with Nik since it was Nik.

But that’s dust in the wind. I shoot mainly with Fuji X-trans and was using spoofed (substituted camera make and model) info using Iridient to make DNGs. That worked pretty well with PL4, though some features needed the native RAW file. I liked PL4 even without some of that capability.

If DXO had been 12 - 18 months sooner with even their limited Fuji X support, I’d be all in. But I’m liking what I get in PS CS6 (for “steam powered” tasks) and Affinity using Topaz plugins – especially NR. So the only things I was missing were B&W conversions like Silver Efex, and that problem is more than solved with FP6 – stanalone or plug-in. In a month or two I’ll probably uninstall the Nik Collection completely.