Remove straw from photo

I find Photolab very time consuming for this type of work. If I want to remove anything I export a tiff to Affinity.

Attached took around 10 seconds using the Inpainting brush


@Stefanjan I agree and I use other tools which I (vaguely) know how to use plus I have Affinity and recently upgraded to Affinity 2 but have yet to explore the Affinity Inpainting brush so I need to do some homework.

In the meantime I fixed that wall from my post above (using Inpixio). The “AI” does have some intelligence so that if you fix an area which includes a corner the corner (or a corner) is still there after the fix.

What I do miss when using most other editors is the ability to stop part way through and pick up again later, as you can with PhotoLab.

Affinity can be non destructive, create an empty pixel layer and do the inpainting there (change option to current and other layers)

Save the Affinity file as an Affinity file or multi layer TIFF