Quick way to switch orientation of the Force Parallel lines

Hi everyone,

Is there a button or shortcut key that allows me to quickly alter the orientation of the Force Parallel lines?

They always open on the horizontal plane, and there are many times I need them vertically. I currently drag them round and upwards, which only takes a few moments to do, but when you find yourself doing it many times in one day it does start to feel like a big faff!

A simple button or shortcut key to instantly switch the lines from horizontal to vertical (and vice versa) would be utterly wonderful.

  1. If this already exists, where/what is it?
  2. If it doesn’t exist, could one be added please? @DxOStaffPO

Like VP, a second button for “Perspective correction by the verticals” would be nice.
Otherwise you can use “Perspective correction by Rectangle”.

The 8 point tool has all I need…
Haven’t used the force parallels and rectangle tools for a long time.


Ah, I haven’t found the 8 point tool, happy to give it a go though. Which icon/menu is it?

Bildschirmfoto 2022-06-16 um 21.26.43


Fab, thank you :slight_smile:

You’re welcome :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s also in the top menu of the editor window.

OMG, it is so obvious now I’ve found it! 8 point is exactly all I needed. :man_facepalming:

Thanks folks.

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When selecting the “force parallel” tool, there is one choice under the window, at the left, allowing me to change the color of the tool lines. I now select yellow, much better for me.

I would like to suggest adding another option down there, “switch between horizontal and vertical” which would instantly allow me t get the lines oriented properly for the image I’m working on. That would save a lot of time and frustration.

I mostly use the 8 point too or the perspective tool, both of which allow corrections horizontally, vertically and in both direction. I therefor don’t need to care about how the lines are aligned. They usually come up in the wrong direction anyways. :wink:

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That’s the issue, and there is no obvious way to correct it.
A third button at the bottom (horizontal or vertical) would solve this.

I didn’t want to go to 8-points or more - all I wanted is to correct the distortion from the camera being aimed a little too high. Vertical lines are what I needed, but I didn’t realize then how to change the orientation.