Question for Palettes and Workspaces

Good morning to all

Did anybody know if it’s possible to export or save user created palettes/workspaces to distribute it to another user.
Same thing like we can do with presets.

Thanks a lot for any solution or idea

oh forgot …im on windows system :innocent:

Enjoy week


On a Mac you can. So I would assume the same also on windows. Just try it.

Dear @Sigi,
could you please let me know how, or share a screenshot from Mac.
In windows it looks like
palettes with own entry workspace with own entry

But no possibility to export or save as external file to share with others to import

i have also made a search in my windows userprofile under DXO entries for Gbasic but found nothing

looking for a solution like with presets


Look in this directory…
C:\Users\xxxxxx\AppData\Local\DxO\DxO PhotoLab 4\Workspaces

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Dear @Franky,

thanks…I found the workspaces.

As I started yesterday I named it first G_Basic, but then renamed it in DXO to Gbasic.

Searching today I searched for the phrase Gbasic and did not find anything…strange.

best regards


Guenter, I assume you are sorted - correct. I would not have been able to show you where to look in Explorer anyway because I am on Mac.

Dear @Sigi,

no problem. I thought there would be a context menu, or a entry in the menu itself on Mac.
So we would have something to feed StevenL with some differences :smile:

greetings from germany

Greetings from Munich

Hi Guenter - Greetings from Australia.

You’ll find them here: image

It’s easy to share a Workspace; you simply save the Workspace definition file to this location, and it will appear as an option in PL’s Workspace menu (the next time you open PL).

Here’s one of mine for you to try out … JM Standard Workspace.xml (14.0 KB)

In the Workspace menu, you’ll find an option to “Save Workspace …” - the saved Workspace file will be created in the folder shown above (and as in @franky’s response).

Regards, John M

Dear @John-M,

thank you. The info with the path C:\Users\xxxxxx\AppData\Local\DxO\DxO PhotoLab 4\Workspaces from Sigi and you let me find the workspace. Still open question is why renaming in DPL doesn’t rename the file in the filesystem.
And yes, with “save” i can save the workspace to the location above, and then send it by mail to a friend.
But more comfortable would be an export option like with the presets. Than it would be straight handling trough the DPL workflow.

best regards


There is no option within PL to rename an existing workspace definition, Guenter - but you can always rename the workspace.xml file (where “workspace” is your name for your workspace definition) using, say, File Explorer - and the new name will appear in PL the next time you open/restart PL.


I usually like to play around with a workspace for a while to really find out if it suits me. If I want to change something I save the workspace with a new name and keep the old one, just in case. I usually do this a few times until I am finally there where I want to be. I then save that “final” workspcae with the name I want and delete all the other workspaces in the folder. So not really a need to rename an existing one.

the renaming i talk about is the Save Workspace. This I did yesterday…
Working with the G_Basic …deciding to “rename” and save workspace as GBasic
But I have still the situation that I have Gbasic in my menu, but the file within the user folder is called G-Basic.xml
To show here are screenshots from now where i saved a new one called test
It’s not a big problem, because I know know with your help where it’s stored, but a little bit interested about the mismatch between Menu-filename.
My Gbasic and GAdvanced are working but the underscore is different in naming

Working Gbasic
new workspace

No further investigation needed :wink:

The problem is the underscore in the name…add some palettes in your workspace…save workspace…give it a name with an underscore…save it
Compare Workspace name with xml name