Pureraw v Photolab Elite

Can you advise if the same engine/capability for de-noising raw files is in PL4?

Hi, @Kalenn - yes, both PureRAW and PL4 (Elite Edition) use DeepPRIME denoising:

DeepPRIME - Denoising and RAW conversion with AI (dxo.com)

As Greg say PhotoLab 4 uses the the same DeepPRIME denoising as PureRAW. What he didn’t touch on is that unlike PureRAW, PhotoLab allows you to adjust the amount of denoising you prefer.


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Thanks, much appreciated to both

And in PL it’s part of the same workflow. As stand alone you will have 2 workflows.


Kalemn - in other words. If you own DXO Elite it does not really make sense to use Pure Raw. Pure Raw is targeted for non DXO users who would like to have the noise reduction of DXO but in general use other software to work on their pictures.