Processed, but needs updating

Ah ok, it was 3 years later and not a reply to the topic starter or any name so it could be a reply to anything along the thread.

The message is ment to warn you that the dopfile and adjustments are changed sins last export action.
Nothing more. Usefull to some, no use to others.

I’m new in Photolab and today I came across this message in some photos, I searched in the internet to know why and finally I found this thread… :blush:

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Hi! I am also giving a try to DXO PhotoLab. For me, this message is also not useful and the “!” symbol makes it look alarming at first. I did the same than vichenso and googled it to find what it was. I think it would be great to be able to deactivate it in the preferences, so that users that find it useful can keep it, and others can hide it.

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set like this

Screen Shot 12-24-21 at 01.18 PM

it’s shown with “On mouseover” only

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Thank you!

i would like that the info panel has the option always on. On mouseover is very slow in my opinion