Problem I don't understand

I have just downloaded the latest build of PhotoLab and , in response to a question from a friend, tried to show him Silver Efex Pro, which I haven’t use for some time, so had to download. Imagine my disappointment and frustration when I got an image which locked the software and had to be Force quitted. See the screen shot. Can somebody please explain?

Hi Stephen. I’m not sure what’s causing your problem but your screenshot is of HDR Efex Pro 2 rather than Silver Efex Pro 3. Maybe you clicked the wrong program?

Whichever I chose, the screen was locked and I could get anywhere from it.

What type of file(RAW, TIFF, JPG, DNG, etc.) were you sending to HDR EP2?

It’s a tiff

Have you tried other files besides just this one?

O. But at the moment I will have to leave this problem as I have more important things to do.

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Sure thing. See ya. :wink: