PL5 and GPS data

Just noticed that PL5 doesn’t read the GPS data in my RAW files unless I chose ‘Read Metadata’ in the menu for every single directory.

Is this really meant to be?


Have you tried with this option enabled?

Svetlana G.

I admit I don’t quite understand what they mean with ‘keeping metadata synchronised’. I don’t want DxO to mess with the metadata inside my RAW files. Just read them.

What it means is to keep the database and DOP files synchronised with you metadata. Or at least that’s what I hope it means

I’d much rather know than hope.

in this case, it’s a good idea to uncheck automatic sync and have PL read metadata manually. Usually, PL reads metadata when PL encounters an image for the first time. If you change metadata outside of PL, you need to re-read it, using the respective command from the menu. This might feel clumsy in the beginning, but will become natural action after a while.

Looks like the old solution in PL4 where the GPS data were automatically read was too easy…

As far as I know PL doesn’t write anything to the RAW file itself. Easy to find out, isn’t?
But the answer is given above the checkbox.


On my side (PL5 Mac Big Sur), PL5 reads perfectly the GPS information in my Nikon NEF files without needing to “Read metadata”.


Same here…but if GPS data is changed outside of DPL, DPL will not necessarily know of it. Then, it’s time for the manual read operation.