PL4 Localisation errors

I had this mad idea of trying to start updating the PhotoLab manual, so I switched the language (on a Mac) to English from French and started up.

All seemed well until I got to looking at the palettes; where I found that, although the two horizontal command bars and tools on the palettes are correctly showing in English, all the palette names are still in French on my French machine!

Did you make custome palette’s?
I can type dutch words in there wile i don’t have dutch as choise. So that stick’s out anyway.
In your case it only shows when changing language.
And i think storing a workspace means also the languagesetting stored of the palettes.

I just tried to put the app in English and it’s ok, everything is in English.
Only my personal pallets haven’t been translated, but that’s normal. :grinning:

Hi Peter. No, not custom palettes but custom workspaces. It seems that PL uses the localised names (in my case French) of the palettes when it saves out a custom workspace.

If I choose one of the default workspaces, everything is in English.

Who’d have thought :nerd_face: