PhotoLab 3 on Windows - empty folder?

Some of my folders contain JPGs (as is easily seen by Windows Explorer) but PL3 shows them as “No images selected” (even with everything ticked). Also the image count in the centre of the bar at the top of the filmstrip, instead of saying “0 of 5 images” says “0 image” followed by a red circle with a white X in it.


The relevant folders are stored on my NAS drive, but all other folders on there load okay, and the folder which won’t load in PL3 loads okay in PhotoLab version 1.

Any thoughts?

Screen shot from PL1

And from PL3

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Are you sure you haven’t unticked RGB files in the filter?



I have the same problem on one folder with only one jpeg.
If i copy paste the image i can see one image when there are two.
Picture are stored on an internal HDD.
No filter uncheked.
I have also “0 image” followed by a red circle with a white X in it.

I just did a test.
I moved the image to another directory and I moved it back to the original directory and the problem solved

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Thanks for the suggestion Joanna. Yes - I checked that.

Thanks Neo. Sounds like I’m not alone.

It’s not really problem properly solved though. I’d quite like the software to show me all my photos, rather than my having to know how many I have in each folder in order to know whether there are any missing and then having to carry out manoeuvres to make them visible again.


Hello guys,

“Red cross” means that there is something wrong with the folder loading. Could you, please, provide me with the image+sidecar? And logs, please (%UserProfile%\Documents\DxO PhotoLab 3 logs). But to make the investigation easier, please remove old logs, reproduce the issue and provide us with this latest log.

Thank you,
Svetlana G.

Hello Svetlana,
is there any solution for this problem? I have some folders with RAWs inside. PL3.2 shows just some or none of the pictures. The interesting part: If I pick up all the not shown RAWs and move them to a new folder, they show up like they used to be! That directs me to the opinion that it is some kind of database problem. BTW deleting and restoring in the same folder does not always solve the problem, but sometimes.

Right now:

2020-03-18 20:28:09.885 | DxO.PhotoLab - 2328 - 115 | Database - Warn | The method ‘GetSource’ encountered more file sources than expected:
K:\Eigene Bilder\EOS_7DM2\2019_10_15\PN5A6321.CR2 (ID=8771, state=Unchanged)
K:\Eigene Bilder\EOS_7DM2\2019_10_15\PN5A6321.CR2 (ID=11660, state=Unchanged)

2020-03-18 20:28:09.885 | DxO.PhotoLab - 2328 - 115 | DopFactory - Error | DopSourceFactory.BuildDopSources threw an exception : uri = dopfilesource://localhost/K%3a%2fEigene+Bilder%2fEOS_7DM2%2f2019_10_15%2fPN5A6321.CR2?mode=file
2020-03-18 20:28:09.885 | DxO.PhotoLab - 2328 - 115 | Exception.DopFactory - Error | System.InvalidOperationException: Die Sequenz enthält mehr als ein Element.
bei System.Linq.Enumerable.SingleOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
bei DxO.OpticsPro.DataModels.Handlers.DopFileSourceHandler.GetSource(String filePath, Int64 parentId, Boolean checkFormat, Boolean useSidecar)
bei DxO.OpticsPro.DataModels.Builders.DopFileSourceBuilder.CreateSource(IDopUri filePathAsUri)
bei DxO.OpticsPro.DataModels.Builders.DopFileSourceBuilder.BuildDopSources(IDopUri filePathAsUri)
bei DxO.OpticsPro.Factories.DopSourceFactory.CreateDopSources(IDopUri sourceUri)
2020-03-18 20:28:09.885 | DxO.PhotoLab - 2328 - 115 | DataModels - Warn | Source factory returned a null source for the uri : K:\Eigene Bilder\EOS_7DM2\2019_10_15\PN5A6321.CR2

It is clearly visible, there the file “PN5A6321.CR2” has double entry in the database.


Hello @Holla,

Yes, we are working on solving this problem right now. In the meantime could you, please, provide us with your DB and logs (%UserProfile%\Documents\DxO PhotoLab 3 logs) for the analysis? Please, upload them to under your name (instead of support ticket number) and let me know when ready.

Thank you,
Svetlana G.

Hello again,

@Holla, @RobEW and @Neo

We need your help in testing this issue as it’s rather specific.

Could you, please:

  1. Download a new build of DxO PhotoLab 3 and install it.
  2. Go to the application installation folder and open the file DxO.PhotoLab.exe.config for editing (e.g. in Notepad).
  3. Find the setting “FixDuplicatedImages” and change its value from False to True.
  4. Launch the application and navigate to the folders which couldn’t be loaded before. They should work now.
  5. Close the application.
  6. Change the setting “FixDuplicatedImages” back from True to False in DxO.PhotoLab.exe.config.

Pay attention that the application doesn’t know which version of a duplicated image should be kept so it keeps all versions by creating virtual copies. You should decided which version you want to keep and remove redundant virtual copies manually.

Svetlana G.

Hello Svetlana,
sadly it does not solve the problem. I uploaded my Database and the today logfile is uploaded!


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Hello Holla,

The DB is uploaded but something went wrong with the logs - they are not there. Could you, please zip them and try again? Or attach them here if you wish.

Thank you for the help,

Svetlana G.

Hello Svetlana,

I uped the logfile as a zip. Hope that helps!


Got them. Thanks again!

Hello @Holla,

According to your logs you haven’t turned on the setting “FixDuplicatedImages” in DxO.PhotoLab.exe.config. Please read the instruction posted by @sgospodarenko above and carefully follow it step by step. There are no steps to skip.

Best regards,
Alex K.

Hello Alex,
of course I followed the description :wink:

After starting PL3 it shows up as v3.2.0 Build 2 and asked me if I want to install the update. Of course I did not do that.

Or is it necessary to delete the old version before?



Could you please send us your user.config file? It should be located at “C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\DxO\DxO.PhotoLab.exe_StrongName_addo3jomrfkt2faiwwfxxb444r1xfvlh\”.

We also need your DxO.PhotoLab.exe.config file that has been modified by you.

Best regards,
Alex K.

you have got them.



That’s really strange. The setting exists in the config file and is set to True but it’s not applied at all. Could you uninstall the application and install it again?

Best regards,
Alex K.


Please use the attached .config file. It should work for you now.

DxO.PhotoLab.exe.config (28.1 KB)

Best regards,
Alex K.