Output sharpenning in photolab directly

currently photolab compensates for optical defects, notably sharpness defects related to optics, demosaicing, etc. (pre sharpening)

the output sharpness depending on the medium (paper, screen, etc…) is of course dependent on each medium, image size, etc…

this output sharpness is currently being processed by nik sharpener pro.

would it be possible to integrate it into photolab (raw flow) to apply it directly when exporting photos instead of having to go through nik sharpener pro (or lightroom for my part which does this very well)

I therefore make a request to integrate the tools managing the sharpness of “output” in the photolab export module

Dear Nicolas,
as I learned today it’s a good way to vote for your own request first to bring the theme up :innocent:

Sharpness adjustment is possible during printing.



for printing with your printer or a service provider of course:

the printer can manage the output sharpening (often a RIP is required) as the external service provider also does. in this case, of course, you should not add output enhancement with photolab.

but for an export on a bicubic screen which is often badly adapted there is nothing …

on LR automatically the export adapts to the screen, the output size so that the image is clear just right (neither too little nor too much): the difference is obvious

nik sharpener pro does exactly like lr (same algorithm in addition it seems to me derived from bruce fraser who was a developer of photoshop)

as it is an sharpen process (radius, threshold etc …), it seems to me not very complicated to implement directly in a Raw process.

photolab could implement it in place of bicubic as much as they have the code in nik sharpener.

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Not all photos are printed. Mine are exported for screen display.


currently there are only two interpolating options for images export : “bicubic” or “bicubic sharper”.

In my opinion bicubic is too soft and bicubic sharper is sharpened too much. It would be great to have a sharpening slider to fine tune the output, as in many other Raw converters (e.g. Rawtherapee)

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See also this thread:

Thanks Greg. The results of “bicubic sharper” are not bad but too my taste too strong. At the moment I need to use another software (e.g. Rawtherapee) for resizing the export jpegs. The workflow would be better with a sharpening slider in DXO PL.


There is no way in PhotoLab to sharpen an image for various outputs when exporting.
I don’t always edit images with the NikCollection where Sharpener Pro 3 is included. So it would be really great to have a similar function built into PhotoLab to keep the workflow consistent.


I totally agree. :+1:t6: Noise reduction is taken care of by Deep Prime. Now it is time for sharpening.


I second this. Most of my photos are exported at 1350 by 900 pixels for screen display. The two sharpening settings in export are either too little of too much. Something with a slider would be ideal.


Hi, everyone. These requests are already discussed and can be voted for in other topics:

(That one is closed because it’s now in DxO’s backlog to implement.)

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Not only that. It would be great if the really powerful possibilities, offered by the plug in “Sharpener Pro 3 Output Sharpening” of the NikCollection, were available in the export dialog of PL4. After all, there are different uses for exported images.

View Point is now also available as a stand alone plug-in in the NikCollection (Perspective Efex). So why not go the other way around? :wink:

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It would be a great help because it would save me from having to drag all my exported photos through Photoshop just for some controlled sharpening.

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It’s time for DXO to cater for the necessary sharpening in PL. Deep Prime is magic for noise. Deep Sharpen is up next :smile:


I agree on the desirability of this. DxO’s sharpening is really good in how it prevents artifacts, and it would be nice to apply it when exporting resized images. I’m currently using a command-line script to batch sharpen resized images using ImageMagick.

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Care to elaborate? :grinning:

ImageMagick is a suite of command-line tools for image processing. It includes the convert command which has -resize, -adaptive-resize, -sharpen, and -adaptive-sharpen commands. You can write a script that iterates through your exposed files and does a combination of resizing and sharpening that looks pleasing to your eye.

I’m happy to answer questions here or you can message me directly.

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Interesting, Andreas … Could you provide some more detail on the “sharpen” options, please - What does a “guassian operator” have to do with sharpening (that’s a term I’m not familiar with) ?

John M

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You’re probably familiar with a Gaussian blur. A Gaussian sharpen is simply the opposite of that. Mathematically, if g(x,y) is a Gaussian blurring filter, then 1-g(x,y) is a Gaussian sharpening one.