Option to deactivate a lensprofile

I read that it would be possible to deactivate the lensprofile, but I couldn’t find it.
Especially the automatic generated rectangle projection from an fisheye lens is sometimes great, sometimes…
I know there is an option, but maybe I’m blind.

Additional Info: In the manual there is a point “distorsion”, but I can’t find it in my Version 2.2.2

An additional Screenshot between my menu and the manual:

and where are the missing menu items?

You should be able to find “Distortion” under “Geometry” as a standard. But you can add it to any panel you want. If you move your mouse and click on the 3 white lines to the right of “Details” you will find a list and all the items checked which are active on that panel.

Thank you for your answer, but if I click “on the 3 white lines to the right of “Details””, I get only:DxO_1

This was the hint. I have found the missing:DxO_2

“Geometry” wasn’t in the palette, but I didn’t changed it.
Thanks a lot.