OM system's new body OM-1 support

Thanks, Marie! Really looking forward to this!

I’m sorry, but the Ai Denoise module isn’t supported by the camera CPU, only the basic processing parameters are.

That’s a shame.

Hi all - I’m waiting for DXO to support OM-1files before I purchase (I have it on trial at the moment and is not supporting at the moment). How do they normally announce? or is it simply a software update? - many thanks Andrew

It will be a minor update. Keep checking the DxO website! As the OM-1 is proving to be very popular I would imagine support for the RAW files will be sooner rather than later.


Thanks for the response, much appreciated :slight_smile:

I voted for OM-1 support as well since I received mine some days ago. Can’t wait :slight_smile:


the OM-1 is currently under calibration in our Lab but cameras support are, for now, released in pack at some moments of the year and not on the fly. So you’ll have to wait a bit to get the OM-1 supported in PhotoLab or PureRAW. Release should be done before the summer.



Thanks for the info Marie. I hope it will be as soon as possible. I am waiting impatiently.

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Thanks for the clarifcation.

Hi Marie

Thank you for the update…though I am somewhat disappointed to read that it will not be released, potentially, for some months. Afterall we are only just into Spring and start of Summer is 3 months away.

AFAIK the next batches of the OM-1 are due to hit the retail channel very soon so the global number of users will be increasing apace, or as quickly as OM Systems can get them into the hands of the customers :wink:

So, what with other software editing companies already supporting the OM-1 I do hope that DxO is not too late to the party. Note I am invested in DXO Photolab so cannot afford to switch to anything new!

In the meantime I will have to use OM Systems Workspace to convert to .TIFF and that will restrict the use of ‘your best in class’ Prime & Deep Prime NR :frowning:

So here is to hoping that DxO might see fit to release the calibration sets as soon as finished rather than waiting on your completing your calibrations for other impending makes & models ???


Mmmm - where do you live ?

We’re just heading into Autumn - and winter is 3 months away :wink:

John M

PS. I’ve just received my OM-1 … now going thru a painstaking configuration process. Lots of nice new features … but a few I’m surprised to see didn’t make it across from the E-M1 iii … eg.

  • no longer possible to activate an AF-Mode along with default “Set Home” AF targets
  • E-M1 iii’s simple info screen no longer available
  • Lever on the AEL button (which I use as On/Off) is now a tiny/dinky little thing !

Marie, this is very disappointing.

I have had the OM-1 for almost a month now and it is now my main camera. It has been selling very well in the Australian market (don’t know about elsewhere) where OM/Olympus ran through its first stock allocation within a few days of release.

DXO’s decision to calibrate but withhold the updated files (a small addition to the database) for for another 8-10 weeks (?) is a very poor way to treat customers who want to rely on DXO-PL but now will not be able to use the program for processing current/new images.

It’s also marketing madness: it’s like saying to us: “please go back to using Lightroom or Capture 1”.

Which, of course, is what I will have to do.


Peter, couldn’t agree more with you. OM-1 is perhaps the best selling camera body for a long time and there definately is a huge number of DxO fans without support at the moment. Not good at all. I find this kind of arrogance quite frustrating and annoying.


I’m not sure that the word arrogance is warranted as I assume that there are reasons for the schedule but I definitely agree that it is highly disappointing.

The OM-1 has proven to be extremely popular and is selling out all over the world (I’m in Europe but read daily testimonies on the demand in North America too).

I’d like to ask @Marie if she could please investigate the possibility of either speeding up the next camera pack or releasing an extra one? If nothing else, such a gesture would turn quite a few of DxO’s customers even more loyal, allowing us to continue using our current workflows.

As Photolab and PureRAW, with its Deep PRIME denoising is such a great match for Olympus/OM system and m4/3 users, allowing us to shoot as if we had much larger sensors in our cameras but without the downsides in size and weight, you’d make a lot of customers very happy (and happy customers tend to attract new customers, especially in this age of social media :wink:)!


I am in the UK and Spring equinox was 20th March :wink:

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Fellas (@PeterGallagher, @jukpek, @innerVision) … I reckon best to let Marie (and her colleagues) work on this new calibration without stress/pressure.

We all agree that PL’s configuration of camera/lens corrections is best-in-class … and that doesn’t occur just by luck. Personally, I’m happy to wait until Marie is confident that the new settings are completely ready for release … and I don’t expect there to be any unnecessary delay.

John M


I think a lot of the anger is the profiles are being released as a pack not when ready. DXO has got to come to terms with the Amazon Prime expectations of many users which they are clearly not addressing. There have been many requests to deal with the delays in producing profiles, including enabling the use of suitable alternatives profiles for cameras and lenses which have been ignored. The two related issues of slow profiles and not officially (there have been many posts on how to circumvent PL not using profiles thought suitable by users)using other profiles where one doesn’t exist are not going to go away just by DXO ignoring them and as a user I fear will weaken the customer base.


Perhaps not arrrogance but a fundamental flaw in the software architecture. If the whole software package has to be uppgraded in order to add support for certain cameras or lensee something has been done wrong at the beginning of the developement of the software.


There is delay because the correction are not released when ready but released when the applicaton is updated. That’s somewhat stupid considering the profiles are loaded on demand anyway…