Number of Photos With a (Hierarchical) Keyword

The keyword list displays how many images carry a keyword…but this has its quirks like you can see below:
Bildschirmfoto 2021-12-21 um

When I enter a hierarchical keywords, only the leaf gets added to an image. The default setting of the KW list is to collapse HKWs and then, there is no indication that a HKW was attached to an image: See how A-B-C says “0”, while in fact, one file carries the “C” keyword.

Proposal: Instead of displaying a “0”, add either a number (but which one? or a sum?) or a special character, e.g. a wildcard of some sort.

I think it should be the sum at each level

  1. A 23
  2.   B 5
  3.   C 15  (this shows that there are 5 in C that are not E or F)
  4.       E 6
  5.       F 4
  6.   D  3

If in doubt see how lightroom does it… The only reason most people (like me) are haniging on to Lightroom 6.14 is, apart fromthe fact it is not subscription, is the library functions like keywords, smart collections and GPS (for multiple pictures on the same map)

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