No new feature between upgrade PL3 Elite vs Essential ... ? But different prices

I upgraded from PL2 Elite to PL3 Elite.
Apparently the novelty of PL3 Elite are the same as for the Essential version, but the price of update is higher for the Elite version …
I do not understand the tariff logic, I missed something?
Thank you .


Bigger cars have higher repair cost?

You probably haven’t missed anything. I can’t comment on DXO’s pricing model, but I wasn’t going to let $20 more stand in the way of me getting PL3 Elite.


In this case this is not a repair, it’s just the addition of absolutely identical parts for both versions.

Just some guess: Elite has more functionality which might require DXO to pay license fees with are a recurring cost. So these different do not tell the whole story… also the extra features that are already there also have to be maintained. I would love to see some new or improved Elite features but am not complaining when it doesn’t happen all the time. It shouldn’t be a goal by itself.

Check the Black Friday Sales here:

To my knowledge PRIME de-noising is only available in the Elite version.

Seen ! I have Buying at -30% at the launch of PL3 … one month later … -50% :crazy_face::money_mouth_face::cold_face:
Bad for me … but is the life ! No win every time …
But oportunity to buy FP 5 Elite at more decent price …

i have just bought Elite and am really upset that the price has since just been heavily discounted. DXO are not interested in s refund, nor in charging me less to add on Nik. I suppose the lesson is that, unless you;re really in a hurry, wait for a 50% discount promotion


Stuart - like winter coming every year so is Black Friday

But some winters are more hard than other …

Exactly . In fact correct price is on november in DxO world …

Never heard that in Game of Thrones;)))

Why fret, the difference in upgrade price for PL3 is the cost of a meal out vs a meal in. Happy for those who saved more, but also happy to have PL3 since October. Black Friday deals aren’t guaranteed. :wink:


PL3 release was 69.99$ (30%)
PL3 Black Friday 64.99$ (50%)
Not sure how their % discount work, but those are the price it was/is now.
So they, new user, are saving an extra 5$. Really making people mad for having spent an extra 5$ to use it since launch?

I am in the UK. I paid £118 for Elite earlier this month, it is now £85 so a bigger deal than it was for you! and Black Friday in the UK is not really an event (except, apparently, for DXO)

Well… about 10$ difference in CDN currency, I forgot EU pay more.

In the DXO world, since 2 years, Black Friday is a habit … I had forgotten and I updated Photolab too early! … Always wait for Black Friday before buying from DXO seems to be the rule …:wink:


Last year was the first B.F. sale for 50% off that I’m aware of. Now that it has repeated, and with competitors also cutting prices aggressively, I think I will wait next year, too. :smile:


Next year, I’ll wait for Black Friday.
The difference between € 70 and € 45 for an upgrade is significant :frowning: