NIk software on my old Mac

Hi , I was wondering how I can bring my Nik software that I purchased in 2013-11-28. from my old iMac that I purchased for 140 to my Mew Mac , I have tried but it will net let me upload. Can anyone help. Thank you

Here you can choose between the free, old and unsupported Nik plugins - or buy the newly updated and supported DxO release of them.


A word of caution: The “old” NIK is 32 bit and the new DxO NIK is 64 bit. The two are not compatible and can not reside on the same machine.

If you have the 32 bit NIK, it is matched to a 32 bit editor. You may get a pop-up offering an upgrade to the DxO NIK. DO NOT INSTALL IT. It will overwrite the old NIK and DxO NIK will not run in a 32 bit program.

Thank you Jam , Do you think I can use the old version or do you figure I should up grade to the 64 bit

Depends; is your host 32 or 64 bit? The upgrade will not work in 32 bit hosts. I haven’t really explored the DxO NIK because I don’t have an editor that will support it. Consequently, I can’t compare the two versions.