Nik Collection 4 - Where are SEP and Viveza modules now located?

I just upgraded to Nik 4. When I went to link ON1 Raw 2021 “send to” function I cannot find SEP in its usual location in the C: Windows/Program Files/DxO folder. Also missing is Viveza. These are the two modules that were updated in Nik 4 and it appears they now reside somewhere else on my computer since all of the other modules such as CEP4, Dfine 2, HEP 2, and the others are all in their usual location noted above. Does anybody know where this new location is for the SEP and Viveza modules?

I believe they are in the bin folder.


C:\Program Files\DxO\Nik Collection\bin … When you manage, do you let us know?

Ask ON1 as they have been touting to work with Nik Collection – and if I recall correctly even showing Viv3 or SEP3 in their ad.

They are now in the bin folder as Mark mentioned. Thanks, Mark!

C:\Program Files\DxO\Nik Collection\bin