New crops in PL3

PL3 added 5:7, 8.5:11, and 16:10 as new presets for the crop tool. The first two of these behave differently from all the other presets though: instead of presenting an intial landscape crop for an image in the landscape orientation, and portrait for portrait, they do the opposite: portrait for landscape and landscape for portrait, cropping away most of the image as the starting point.

I suspect it’s as simple as the fact that all the other ratios are all (larger dimension):(smaller dimension), that 5:7 and 8.5:11 don’t follow this pattern, and that the code depends on the order, but surely the current behaviour isn’t the intention.

Oh yes. I’ve never seen it before.
Because, in my usage, I always begin by redrawing the crop before choosing the ratio.


Using the 5:7 in landscape most of the time I must admit I do find it annoying but at least the “A ratio” after all these years has been added whatever the drawbacks.

Strangely I just used 5:7 with some landscape images and with two it opened with a landscape crop!
I worked out why, 16:10 crop had been used first , when switching to 5:7. If I directly use 5:7 from preserve aspect ratio it jumps to portrait even the original is landscape. So it would look like a bug!.

I would be pleased to hear from DxO that this is an unintended bug that will be fixed. But yeah, the ratio was written in the tool as if the behavior we see is intended. Maybe this is what someone asked for? But I don’t see the point in cropping so much of the image automatically: when I shoot in portrait or landscape orientation, I almost always want to crop that way.

In PhotoLab, I usually start with “unconstrained” and manually adjust to taste.


I always start by choosing the ratio, so I ran into this fairly quickly.

There’s other odd behaviour as well:

The inverted orientation doesn’t happen the second time you enter the crop tool: Crop Tool -> 5:7 -> Reset -> Close -> Crop Tool -> 5:7 does give the expected orientation, but the frame isn’t centered on the image the way it is with the first selection. This is true of any aspect ratio in fact.

Say we started with a 3:2 image in landscape orientation above. Now choose Original and you get a 3:2 frame that extends beyond the bounds of the image, to the left.

Now choose Unconstrained, and you get a 5:7 frame flush left of the image. (Also not dependent on the first crop being 5:7 it seems; similar for 4:3, etc.)

It does seem to behave better if you redraw or move the crop frame before choosing a ratio, but it should be well-behaved either way.

The behaviour of the pointer is also unpredictable. Sometimes I’ll enter Crop Tool and get crosshairs to redraw the frame, other times I’ll get a hand to move it. When I get crosshairs, sometimes I can click outside the image to get the hand, other times not. I haven’t really figured out if there’s any pattern to this, but I’ve accidentally redrawn a frame when I expected to move it a number of times.

Or Reset any crop choice and you’re presented with a frame in the original aspect ratio, which is reflected in the drop-down. Now chose Close and you don’t get the indicated crop, you get the unconstrained image, as if Unconstrained had been chosen before Close.

Most of these were present in PL2 as well, maybe even PL1. (Think I reported the last one on PL1.) If there’s a logic to it, I have yet to discover it. :slight_smile:

Edit: I take it back about being better behaved if you start by moving/resizing: it’s still flaky. For example, resize a 3:2 Original crop by moving the upper-left corner inwards, then select 4:3 and it’s still reasonable, but then select Original or Unconstrained and the fun begins in a similar fashion to my previous cases.


As with a number of problems raised over the weekend no one from DxO apeares to be responding to the fourms today (or week?)

Hi everyone !
Well it’s true that when @sgospodarenko is not around, we always seem less presents on the forums.
But I can assure you we try to follow what is discussed as much as we can.

Regarding this issue, we’ll fix the behavior to get more consistency out of this new ratios.
Thanks for pointing that out.

Best regards,
The DxO Team


Using cropping today I find the 5:7 was popping up the reverse of whatever the image was. In landscape it was portrait and vis a visa, clearly a bug as no one, surly, would intend such odd behaver? Once it or anther one was used it was OK and it open in the orientation of the image.

John, it seems to me that DxO staff got the message. As CaptainPO kindly wrote, they’re going to work on it! :smile:

I hadn’t seen it behaving like this befor.

Thanks, but I hope you’ll deal with the other misbehaviour as well. There’s more than the orientation of the new ratios, as I pointed out in a follow-up.


@asvensson > Indeed. Those are taken into account as well as they’re more bugs to fix to make this feature consistant.


Great, thanks.

Hello asvensson,
About your report on crop, i can separate on different issues:

  1. About Aspect ration list, yes we will reorder the list as following


  2. About the crop frame is not centered when applying a crop ratio after reset, it’s true but not a bug. Why? Because when you apply a custom crop --> the crop correction is switched to manual mode (you can check the crop palette), if we reset the crop (from crop toolbar), the crop correction is still kept with manual mode. If now we change the aspect ratio, the first corner of crop frame will be based on top left of image
    If crop correction = Auto mode --> the crop frame will be centered for any aspect ratio changes
    But we will investigate on it to be more efficient.

  3. About the bebaviour of the pointer, i cannot reproduce it, can you add more detail or a scenario step by step to help us identify issue and fix

Thank you,


This doesn’t appear to deal with the problem of the crop NOT opening in the orientation of of the image but the reverse, in 5:7 and which if intended is not very useful .

Hello htran.

Sounds good, so 5/7 and 8.5/11 instead of 7/5 and 11/8.5 was relevant.

This is just telling me why it is like it is, but the behaviour is still not very useful.

Why should selecting any crop from the dropdown give me frames outside of image? Possibly if I’ve actually moved the frame outside of the image, but otherwise the most useful behaviour is arguably to give me a crop frame within the bounds of the image. You might want to add something like a “constrain crop” option to the tool to control it, but I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve wanted to crop outside the bounds of an image.

As I wrote, I can’t reproduce it consistently either. It happens sometimes, sometimes not, but I have run into it on three different computers so I suspect you just have to test more.

You missed two: choosing Unconstrained after your second point giving frames with the wrong ratio, and Reset -> Close giving the unconstrained image instead of the Original crop that’s displayed after Reset.


Add comments on
7/5 (ISO A) and
11/8.5 (US letter),
it’ll be wonderful :smiley:



Please, no … just more clutter.

Although they could satisfy us both by letting users add and name presets as they wish. A hard-coded list is never going to satisfy everyone.

Actually, this is probably what auto vs manual mode should be. The current behaviour just helps with placing the initial crop frame after a perspective correction. It doesn’t help me stay within the bounds of the image at all if I want to move that initial selection, which is much more often than not.

Selecting the desired aspect ratio and whether or not to stay within the bounds of the image are two entirely separate issues, which the current auto/manual mode couples for no apparent reason.

After just finishing over 100 imiges of an event all needing to be finished in 5:7 please can the odd default way it reversed the original orientation please be sorted!