Local Adjustments Bug

When I am rotating images, the local adjustments don’t stay where they are. This can be annoying if I have bright up an area and then I have to create the mask all over again.

Welcome @aloha

We all wait for the magnetization of the masks to the geometrical corrections.
This is not a bug but a (significant) difficulty in the design.


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Indeed. Experienced users found that out a long time ago and are still waiting for a response/fix.

In essence, all geometry changes must be accomplished before making any local adjustments or repairs/clones

The same happens when manually correcting any distortion. The mask stays where it is so needs to be deleted and re-done.

This is well known. Local adjustments need to be added after Horizon, Perspective, and distortion adjustments are made.


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In all cases with PhotoLab, Local adjustments should be made after all other adjustments are complete.


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