Installation problems with NIK Collection 4

I purchased NIK Collection 4 nine days ago and have been trying to install it on my Windows 10 PC ever since.
Ureka!!! Last night I finally got it to install, however, the installation problem had nothing to do with the NIK software it was my operating system!

In short, if you are having similar problems, type the following in you browser and follow the instructions. It’s a microsoft program.

“Fix problems that block programs from being installed or removed”

I did this and all my problems with NIK Collecton 4 installation were solved.

The software installed on my PC, DXO PhotoLab 5, Photshop elements and Lightroom without any problems.

Hope this helps someone.


Does not work for me…
Coll 3 installs fine (Win 10 21H2)
Coll 4 installer fails after removing Coll 3 and requesting a reboot.
I have reinstalled col 3 (many times)

The reboot request is endless, can’t get rid of it.

DXO “spent” 3 1/2 mo trying to figure it out.

Finally said “something unique, we cant help”.

Well, the only thing that is unique is that the Coll3 installer words and 4 does not.

I asked them to compare the code line-by-line in the relevant areas and got no response.

Now, if col 4 still won’t install and Col 3 wont work after a Win 11 upgrade I guess I’m totally hosed.

I’ve used DXO products since 2005, I’d hate to be forced to switch to something else.


What I found is that if you have not removed coll 3 completely you may have a problem installing coll 4.
I used a third party software. Mentioned in one of my previous posts.
Also, ensure the nik PhotoLab program is closed and any host programs are closed also.