How to add DxO Film Pack 5 to DxO Photolab 4?

Hello everyone,

I have installed DxO Film Pack 5. Don’t want to use it with the film pack program.

Is there a way to import DxO Film Pack 5 presets/styles into DxO Photolab 4, so to use them from Color Rendering/Preset Editor tab?

How to do it, how to import them?

Please help,
Thank You for DxO


Have you activated Filmpack 5 from within Photolab 4?

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Hi rrblint,

Thank You for response. How to do it?


Gosh I’ve had FP activated for so long now I’ve kind of forgotten. I think The activation tabs for both VP3 and FP5 are in the Help menu. Tap on the one for FP5 and type in your activation code.

As Mark says below your post.

Just bought FP a week or so ago myself.

Also be aware that the FP 5 film emulation presets don’t exist in the FP5 installation in PL4, however @mwsilvers was kind enough to create them. You can find them here.



You don’t import FilmPack 5 into Photolab. All the features for FilmPack 5 are already in PhotoLab. A license for FilmPack 5 unlocks the features and makes them visible. It’s been so long since I did it I don’t recall If there’s a separate procedure. I’m sure someone will remind us how to do it. I hope you purchased the Elite version of FilmPack 5 which has more features and film types.


All I had to do was activate the license in FilmPack 5. Then the FilmPack features were available in PhotoLab 4. Addressing the original question: simply activating FilmPack 5 adds the film emulations to the Color Rendering palette in PhotoLab. (I have the Elite Edition of both.) To get the film emulations in the Presets part of PhotoLab, follow the link given above: How to add DxO Film Pack 5 to DxO Photolab 4? :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank You everyone for a responses :slight_smile:

Now I see, as Egregius wrote they show up after activate.
Thank You and good luck :slight_smile:


If like some of us you don’t need the stand-alone version of FilmPack 5, you can uninstall it and the license will still be active for the FilmPack settings within Photolab.


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Hello mwsilvers :slight_smile:

Thank You for both messages you posted, they are useful and can help people better understand how this system works.
Good to know also that You can uninstall the program and still be able to use those presets in Photolab.

Thank You and regards :slight_smile:

FilmPack and ViewPoint Licenses can be entered in the “about” window.

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Actually, they do … It’s just that Mark’s presets make them a bit more accessible. Without Mark’s presets, the different film emulations can be reviewed as follows;

  1. Select a Color Rendering Category … say, Color Positive films

  2. Select any of the resulting film emulations via the Rendering option;
    image … it will be rendered for the current image

  3. Use the up/down arrow keys to sample any/all film emulations in the list … each selected emulation will be immediately rendered for the current image.

John M

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Yes they exist as Color Rendering choices, but they don’t as Presets, where many people expect to find them, including larger thumbnails to view them. It’s been a while since I have used the stand-alone version but I think I remember them existing as presets in the stand-alone version. You are correct though and I should have been more specific with my reply. :crazy_face:

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