Fundamentals of SilverEFX 3 FLAWED

Never mind interface discussions, SilverEFX Version3 is fundamentally flawed in its use of control points!

As with Siver EFX 2 and ALL previous editions Control Points should be associated with a specific photograph NOT to a preset. They are used to control specific areas of EACH individual photograph. Control Points SHOULD NOT also be deleted when switching between presets; It is totally unacceptable to have spent time editing controls points to then change a preset to have all that work deleted.

As with ALL prior versions a PRESET controls only the overall look of a photograph (Tone, Film Type, Vignette, Edges, Borders) - Non photo specific items ONLY.

Even Adobe does NOT attach local edits (Masks etc.) to their Presets.

In a “nutshell” if you are a long time user of SIlverEFX stay with Version2 It is designed correctly!


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→ SilverEfex Control Points - Automatically being deleted - #5 by Wolfgang
→ About Nik 4 - SilverEfex 3 & Viveza 3