Fred Herzog

Amazon have just pointed me to a book of images by Fred Herzog.

He is a Canadian who I, as a Brit, have never come across. I find the images great fun. I have yet to read more about his work but I think he worked in Kodak slide film.

Has anyone bothered to emulate a way of emulating the ‘film look’ in DxO?

Yes, I accept the image subject and composition is what makes them work - but the colour is IMHO a contributing factor.


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Check out the add-on application called dxo Film Pack. When the elite version is bundled with PhotoLab you can browse the presets for a wonderful variety of vintage films as well as looks inspired by photos from different eras.

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Here’s my great-neice hamming it up at Mesa Verde National park. As seen through the lens of a few color films via DXO PL and Filmpack. Very interesting effects. Additionally - I have never been too into black and white photography, but I found some of the filmpack renditions of black and white versions of my images to be awesome. It definitely helps me to visualize what the image can become with just some processing tweaks. I am never going to photoshop a moon or a bird onto a horizon just to make it more interesting, but if tweaking color settings, saturation, contrast, grain, can create that wide a variety of looks I am interested in learning more.

If you purchase FilmPack 6 Elite you are actually acquiring a license for both a standalone version of the software and a version integrated into PhotoLab 5. All the features of FilmPack are actually already in PhotoLab, however you need a FilmPack license to unhide and use them. The standalone version of FilmPack has a nice interface and is probably best used with an editor other than PhotoLab. Most of the FilmPack film types in PhotoLab, by default, can only be selected from a menu option. I have created and distributed FilmPack 6 partial presets for all the film types available in PhotoLab for those who prefer using actual presets. A number of FilmPack users have downloaded and use my presets which are available here for download at no cost.



Thanks about FilmPack.

I almost bought it when the last special offer was live.

I am currently processing a lot of material from a recent trip so would not have time to experiment with FP.

Maybe there will be another ‘deal’.


You can install the free trial to see whether it provides any value to you.


Installed the trial this morning.


Is there a way of looking up which Pre-Set was used on a certain image?


A preset is simply a collection of adjustments, a bit like a macro. The adjustments are recorded but the preset isn’t. One way of recording it is to make a virtual copy before applying a preset, then rename the virtual copy with the preset name.

…do you mean “copy of an existing preset” instead of virtual copy, which are mostly used for images?

This is what I do

  • select an existing preset (that comes close to what I want) and apply it to an image
  • duplicate that preset in the “Presets” tool, then click on “Edit preset”
  • change the necessary items and click apply
    save the new preset when prompted
  • rename the preset to whatever suits your needs

Naming: “Ann” stands for absolute presets, “Pnn” is for partial presets, “nn” is for sorting,

Thanks for those two posts.

As I roam through the assortment I have to wonder about how many look so much the same.

I have yet to find something that emulates the look of Herzog which, as I google around, suggests it is the stronger reds and less saturated other colours.

Lots to learn yet but I’d love a wizard to have a go at recreating that H look.

I have had a go at a Hezog look but desaturating everything other than the redish element.


I then saturated the redish parts.

This is the original

This is what I get.

It seems to be giving me the right sort of look. I am not decrying FilmPack as I have not had time to tinker around with it - but I just wanted to see what DxO could do to give me that old Kodachrome look that the Canadian was famous for.

Interesting. I use Filmpack on most images. The Kodachrome emulations are the least satisfying of all of them. Of course, it has been many decades since I actually used Kodachrome, so my memory of it is probably not that accurate. Time to pull out the slides from the 80’s.

Which emulsions do you use then Kevin?

I find so many of the alternatives almost identical in the folders of positive and negative emulsions. I was expecting to find more interesting suggestions to use. I am not challenging that to some folk the choice of say a 64ASA or 200ASA pack is important - but to double the money I have already spent on DxO I am not sure what I would gain from it.

On a thread running nearby on this forum someone has just pointed me to Luminar Neo and that tempts me far more than FilmPack - but I am willing to be persuaded otherwise.


And don’t forget that emulsions can degrade with age.

Here is an image with the three main Kodachrome emulations…

25 ASA

64 ASA

200 ASA

I never used the stuff, preferring Fuji Velvia 100, a uniformly saturated film, for which the emulation looks like this…

… and Fuji Astia 100, which is a very neutral film used for catalogues where colour matching is important…

Both very much as I would expect.

A lot of films really weren’t that drastically different, apart from the real oddities like Perutz and Agfa.

I often used Agfachrome slide film. It had very unbiased, neutral colours around the mid 1970s…

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Thanks Joanna,

You reinforce my feeling that the Pack is probably not for me.

Rather than trying different films I (and this is simply personal) would have spent the time altering the shadow tones of the nearest horse and then wondering whether to reduce the prominance of the other one.

But - as I say by way of a pun - horses for courses!


Don’t forget, there are other extra adjustment tools, such as fine contrast for highlights, mid-tones and shadows, 8 channel HSL settings, custom split toning colours, plus others, as well as the film emulations.

I rarely use film emulations but I couldn’t be without the other tools FilmPack gives me.

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But those are in the basic DxO.


No they are not. Find contrast, and it’s three separate components, highlight contrast, midtone contrast, and shadow contrast are only available if you have FilmPack. The channel mixer, split toning, creative vignetting, a blur tool a grain tool, frames, various filters and textures are also only available when FilmPack is installed.


No they are not. FilmPack adds extra tools to the palettes that are not normally there.

Here’s the FilmPack palette…

Here’s the enhanced Contrast tool…

Capture d’écran 2022-01-16 à 16.59.27

… the enhanced HSL tool…

Capture d’écran 2022-01-16 à 16.59.58

… and the enhanced Split Toning tool…

Capture d’écran 2022-01-16 à 17.00.22

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